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peugeot vivacity no ignition is it cdi?

when i turn on the ignition nothing happens apart from the immobolizar light switches off but no power to dials or electric start or head light but brake lights and indicators work could this be the cdi or would the headlight still work. i dont want to buy one at £100 if it wont sort the problem
Tony, July 2007
Its your cdi, i had the same problem. your indercaters work and your brake light.

Qas, April 2008
Its your cdi, i had the same problem. your indercaters work and your brake light.

Qas, April 2008
Its your cdi, i had the same problem. your indercaters work and your brake light.

Qas, April 2008
it might be your cdi i am having the same problems with mine but my headlights and everything else is working apart from it not running :(

rick, September 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for Peugeot.