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Optima, Alarm going off whenever there is a mains failure?

I have an optima XM alarm system that has worked well for several years. Recently if it is set and there is a mains failure, even for a split second, the alarm does off. It can be reset in the normal way and a zone 2 light is indicated. I have done some simple checks ( break mains and see that LED are still lit, and break mains when bell is ringing ) which seem to indicate that both panel and bell batteries are OK. Any ideas what it can be? Are my battery tests valid?
Eric Painter, July 2007
fitt new battry check the set +VE tamper network teminals(11&12(t&a) zone 2 this is used to designated rout between the entry/exit door and control panel. A time inhbit feature on this zone allows a pir to used in a positlion which is patr of the entry route. if you have aquestion phome me on 07716142664 kenny.

kenneth, July 2007
Suspect the backup battery, although the led may remain lit this is no indication of battery condition, you can light a L-E-D with a pencil and a nail pushed into a lemon, but you couldn't run your alarm on it, in other words the battery doesn't have the power required.
If the battery is over 3 years old you should replace it as a matter of course,they dont last for ever and changing the battery would be part of an annual maintenance routine.You should be aware that a faulty battery could lead to irrepairable damage to the main pcb.
They are not too expensive , under a tenner at Screwfix, so treat your system to a new lease of life, and you and your neighbours will have peace and quiet as a result .

Pete., July 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for Optima XM.