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Triton Opal shower, hardly any pressure and very hot?

My shower seems to only dribble out now and is really hot even on the cooler part of the warm setting.

I have tried the cooler settings but when i turn up to get more heat the pressue is even lower!!!
Victoria, July 2007
don't need to change a shower for that reason.

that's what cowboys do. easy fix for them, cause they don't know what their doing.

clean the shower head
check your flexi hose to the shower head is not twisted inside.
clean your filter which is located on the feed pipe to the shower inlet.

hi-spec plumbing, July 2007
Sounds like its blocked with limescale and needs to be changed before someone gets scalded Victoria. Have you tried cleaning or changing the shower head first before considering changing the shower?

Chris, July 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for Triton.