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how can i fix my samsung RS21 DCNS FRIDGE?

The problem is the fridge side is not cooling down, it is normally set at 3 degrees but will not drop below 14 degrees at the moment. i have removed the panel at the back and vacumed out all the dust etc but no luck yet. The freezer side is still working ok at the moment.
andy, July 2007
Just like our parents old fridges; it needs defrosting from time to time; the high humidity can cause ice to form aroung the cooling element and eventually this jams up the fan with a solid block of ice which prevents the cold air circulating around the fridge.

Turn the fridge off and leave the fridge door open, it takes at least 24h to defrost so you may want to transfer the freezer content first or you could do it in stages and turn the fridge back on (low) overnight (shut the door again).

Should do the trick and its free!

white knight, August 2007
hi andy,
your not alone with this prob, you will need a samsung rs 21 repair kit. reasonably easy to fit if you are not to bad at diy..

we stock them...check our web


fill in online email for more info if req,
or if you need any more info call me
greg 07939 271 711..


greg, July 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for Samsung.