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How can I get a replacement filter?

I have a White Steam Generating Iron Model SI 85. Where can I get a replacement for the decalcification water filter cartridge?
Sharon, August 2007
I have a bosun steam station (Model XJ-3K059) and I would like to know where I can buy new filter if possible?


Babs, March 2010
I gave up on finding a replacement and adapted the old filter so the iron can be used without the filter material inside it. Carefully remove the top to your last used filter (small flat blade screw driver inserted at the lift on the filter top, tap the driver til lid seperates.) Remove granules and sponge filters. Clean contact edges lightly with PVC cleaner and then apply PVC glue to contact edges. Press top on and hold for a minute, let cure, then return it to the tank. From then on use only distilled water. Run Iron with steam wide open to remove any and all discoloring spray and sludge from line....Good luck!

T. Duncan, December 2008