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Is there a good (free) PC telephone program?

I have used CyberTalkOnline for a while. I quite liked this program as you could "make a telephone call" using your PC's microphone and speakers. Now they have started to charge for the software and my free version nags me when my PC starts up.

I've not seen another program which can do full duplex sound. (This means it is not like a walkie talkie where one user has to talk at a time. You don't have to press-to-talk.)

Any one know a good program?
Justin, September 2003
Try microsoft net meeting, we have used it without too much hassle for some time, it is useful with a webcam for video telephone conversations, you can download it direct form the microsoft website.

Kevin G, May 2004
have a look at http://www.Skype.com

Erik, October 2003
There are two other messaging programs which are worth looking at. Yahoo Messenger and ICQ (I seek you).

Both of these are good, but JK is probably right to suggest MSN Messenger. Microsoft's Messenger is the easiest to use.

Ultimately it will depend on what your friends use, as sadly different provider's programs are not compatible.

Duncan Donuts, October 2003
You can try MSN Messenger. This is a Microsoft program and you can use it to type messages, make voice messages, or even use your webcam to have a video message. You need to create a Microsoft Passport, which is a bit of a fiddle, but other than that it is quite good.

JK, October 2003