You need to go back and remove the left wheel with the hub on it.
Then remove the side plate with bearing.
Next remove the chain drive in the center of the axle by removing one end of the cable, and then remove the bolt (same left side) in the bracket that the long pin at the rear of the chain drive housing rides in. Loosen the hose clamps off of the old boots. Slide the chain drive housing down the axle until it is off of the axle. Remove and replace the right axle boot(with hose clamps), re-install the chain drive housing, re-install the left axle boot (with hose clamps). Replace the the left side axle plate, and wheel hub with wheel.
You'll need a small pair of snap ring pliers for the snap ring on the cable, 1/2" combination wrenches, I/2" socket, 7/16" open end wrench, and screwdriver.
Jimmy, August 2007