Hi, I have a worcester bosch green star 42CDi and have the same problem. It happened last Christmas, and the kettle did the trick.
Problem is, it's now even colder, and its no longer working! We have a white condensation pipe that comes out the wall (we now have decking, although there is a small gap so can fit hand down where white pipe is - I can post / email picture if this helps!).
It did the gurgling, scary vibrating sound at 4am on Monday morning, and hasn't worked since. I've tried hair dryers on the pipes (boilier is in the garage, which is also cold!), putting a halogen heater by the boiler, and hot towels around pipes.
The pressure (the digital bit) won't go above 10 now - when it works it's in the 60s! and the bar thing reaches 1.
What is this reservoir clip thing? Will I have one? Where is it? Please help! We can't afford a call out, or another night of freezing!
I'll check here, but people can also email me at santa_nethy at hotmail.com
Many Thanks
Catherine COLD COLD COLD!, December 2010