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Dometic Refrigerator Controller board 5 amp fuse blows at power on?

When I power on the refrigerator the controller board 5 amp fuse blows immediately. I assume that I have a short somewhere. I put an ohm meter on the heater element and it was a little over 100 ohms. I had heard that this should be 20 - 40 ohms? How do I determine the faulty component and fix this issue? This is a 2 way refrigerator installed in a 1994 Skyline Aljo fifth wheel. I don't have the mode number handy.
Jerry, October 2007
no answer, I have norcold 5062 and when I turn it to AC the heating element starts to work and it draws 1.9 amps for about five minutes then the amps begin to go up quickly and it then blows the 5 amp fuse. The heating element is rusted to the casing. Could that cause the sudden amp draw?

Monte, June 2010
Hi Jerry,

I have the same problem with my fridge!! The fuse on the plug blows about half a second after switching it on. Did you manage to source the problem?


Amy, November 2007