my escort 1.6 finesse(2000) steering pulls to left when accelerating,then corrects its self when decellerating .all steering/suspension components checked already,no problems found
check the tyre pressure on front wheels are the same also check right size and have same wear.did the prob start when you changed somthing?if so change it back.check again anti roll bar bushes as these also keep the wheels streight under acceleration + brakeing.
brock, November 2007
could be bushes in wishbones especially rear bush also make sure no play in lower ball joint or pinch bolt loose.
k, November 2007
Check tyre pressures, tread depth and miss matched tread patterns. Check tracking .Any or all of these can cause pulling. Bent or damaged steering or suspension. Road camber can cause this on all but the flattest roads. Bent car? All FWD cars will pull a bit under fast acceleration.