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fridge freezer in garage not freezing in cold weather?

my fridge in the garage has the freezer on top. it is a white westinghouse. last winter the freezer wouldn't freeze, it worked good all summer. Now the weather is getting cold the freezer isn't freezing again.
model no. mrt15cscw2
chris, November 2007
Has anyone measured the power dissipated (in Watts) by these Frigidaire Heater Kits ?

TD1, March 2019
Two prongs here: Fist is the problem of freeze-thaw-freeze - simple indicator for this: Get a plastic bag and lock in some ice cubes. Obviously, if the cubes melt - but what about partial thaw? If the cubes don't remain in cube shape, you've had a partial thaw. If the cubes become a single block of ice, you've had a thaw-freeze cycle.

I live where ambient temperatures can drop to -40 (same for C or F) - food in the refrigerator portion freezes! Makes (among other issues) a glass of milk a problem! A variation of the cheat the light switch trick is to hang a 40 Watt (or so) incandescent bulb INSIDE the refrigerator compartment. The colder the ambient, the more wattage needed. This winter "only" got to 20F below zero - nothing froze and the freezer section kept working - that was, of course with a compressor type refrigerator. My adsorption ('gas') refrigerator, on the other hand required the use of heat gun in the 'mechanical' area to get it working again.

Gabby_Jim_41, March 2019
I have a 45 year career in the appliance service industrie. Many years ago I was a Westinghouse service technician.
Simply put, and this as simple as I can explain this, there are two coils (among other components) in a refrigeration system. One in the food or frezzer compartment called an evaporator it is part of the low side of a refrigeration system and is what creates the refrigeration or frezzer tempetaures to maintain your food. On the high side or discharge side of the refrigeration system is called a condenser. A condenser carries hot gas expelled from the compressor, as it travels thru the condenser it is cooled by the ambient tempetaure. It the ambient tempetaure is below 70 degrees the refrigeration system will not function properly, it is just the physics of how a refrigeration system works. If that condenser coil is operating in winter tempetaures in your garage it will never work properly regardless with all of these crazy fixes I have been reading about. This is why the unit functions properly in the warmer weather. Good luck of put heat in your garage!

Sandro165, September 2015
I had problem with freezer not getting cold enough in my 29 year old refrigerator in my garage during extreme cold temps. After reading about this problem and solutions such as a heater kit, I decided to try removing the door switch for the light and leaving the light on in the refrigerator for heat to help control temps. It worked and I then played with temp controls to find the optimum settings. Freezer is slightly below 0 F and frig is around 32 F. When it warms up, I will re install switch and make necessary control adjustments for warmer temps. No cost except for electricity to light bulb constantly.

Ed P, February 2015
I fixed my fridge freezer by simply turning the thermostat to the coldest setting and plugging it into a £2 mechanical 24 hour timer and setting it to be on for half an hour hour then off for two and a half hours. Put a thermometer in the fridge to get the right duty cycle for yours. I should add that the ambient temperature in winter where my appliance is situated in is between 5 and 10 degrees.

Ewan, December 2013
If you have a basic knowledge of electrics take 2 cables from either side of the fast freeze switch and wire them to the no volt normally open contacts of a timer and set the timer to operate 4 times every 24hrs for 30 mins. Wire in series with the timer contacts a room thermostat set at 16 degrees Centigrade. With this layout the timer will work on a regular basis but the override will only work when temp is below temp set on thrmosat.

Dave T, December 2013
I had the same problem until I bought the garage kit for $19.99 from an Internet company. I installed it and have not had a problem since. They are easy to find on the Internet, just type in "refrigerator garage kit" and you should be able to find one that will fit your refrigerator. Another way to do it is jumper the switch in the fridge which will keep your interior light on making the thermostat think that it is too warm inside and it will kick on the compressor to cool things down. You will have to adjust your freezer temp and your fridge temp because now the fridge is working in colder temps.

Rickstirr from North Dakota, December 2013
I have been having the same problem for a couple of years now in the end i got in touch with www.agsrefrigeration.co.uk who operate in london they found and rectified fault everything ok since.

Barry, January 2013
The manufacturers and suppliers know about this problem. there is a real heath issue here, as food can defrost and refreeze withiut you knowing. Eating it after that can meke you very ill.

GM, December 2012
I also have the freezer thawing issue in our spare garage unit. I am about to try blocking the bottom front vent and therefore increasing the temp under the unit. Also I thought purchasing a car battery heater at Canadian Tire and sliding the small wrap blanket behind the unit. I can't see why it shouldn't work.

Dave, November 2012
I've had this trouble for two years running now. My fridge freezer is situated in my non-heated conservatory. When the weather gets below a certain temperature the freezer cuts out!!!! A friend suggested I leave the fridge door open just enough so the light remains on. I did this and YES, overnight, my freezer has sprung into action. As it's cold enough in the room for the fridge contents, it's a fine, simple solution, whilst it's really cold.

Amanda Pixie, February 2012
Place a small wattage light fixture inside fridge. Run the cord out to one of those timers that you select on/off times throughout the day and night. When light comes on it heats the fridge and turns on cooling which then adds freezing to the freezer. My bulb is mounted inside a tincan with holes. The cord easily squeezes past the rubber magnet strip. The colder the outside temp the more hours are selected on the timer

Cuffy, October 2011
Simply fill a small plastic bottle with hot water and stand inside the fridge compartment. The compressor will start working after some 15 to 20 minutes and the freezer temperatur will drop again. The only problem is that you have to repeat it twice every 24 hours. It's the cheepest way I can think of to fool the fridge into thinking the ambiant temperatur is warmer than it is.

Dieter, January 2011
Thanks Al in WI. This is Dan in WI. I will try the trouble light trick. If that does not work does anyone know if the Frigidaire garage refrigerator kit will work with a Whirlpool/Roper unit?

DaninWI, January 2011
Simple fix if it's cold where your freezer is: Buy a medal trouble light (light bulb in a medal cage attached to a 6-12' cord used to work on vehicles), put a 60-100 watt bulb in it, turn it on and hang the light down the back of the freezer so it is as close to the opening of the compressor as possible. The heat from the bulb will warm the compressor oil just enough to allow it to run normally (as it would if the freezer were indoors). When the weather warms up, remove the trouble light. $15-20 fix. DO NOT get a plastic trouble light and a 100 watt bulb, as it will melt over time.... get a medal trouble light.

ALinWI, January 2011
kitchen refrigerators with freezers are designed to work at temperatures typical to room temperatures. The temperature sensor for the refrigerators are calibrated to reference to room temperature so the refrig compartment is cold and the freezer is freezing. Placing the kitchen unit in the garage is okay but when the temperature goes below the refrigerator low set point (approximately 37 degree F), the freezer loses reference to the temperature sensor and shuts off the compressor preventing the freezer section from reaching the cold setting for the freezer (approximately zero degrees F).
The solution is to purchase a garage refrigerator kit. It has a small heater circuit that helps warm the temperature sensor so its reference to warmer temperatures is artificially produced when the garage gets cold.

Addy Overbeeke, December 2010
Many thanks for all this help. I had the same problem with a fridge freezer - which has no fast freeze button (so the timer idea didn't work).
My solution: Every 4 days (as it stays cold enough in this weather!) I "jump start it" by a) turning on the tumble drier to warm the garage a little, b) opening the fridge door, c) putting a pet-bed heater http://www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/dogs/dog_beds_baskets/cushions_pillows/heat_pads_and_heat_pillows/59060 inside the fridge, and d) also blasting the inside of the fridge with a fan heater. This takes 10-20 minutes, then the freezer kicks in again, gets everything to about minus 25 and that's fine for another few days.
It's a pain, but now I've got it sorted, it doesn't take long, and it's only twice a week until it gets warm again!

Madge, December 2010
What about tripping the fridge light to stay on, would this raise the tempiture in the fridge enough to create a need for the freezer to kick in?

Davo, December 2010
Bosch fridge freezer KSV 28325GB.

I have experienced the same problem as all of you! The fridge freezer lives in a kitchen where the temperature is below 18C for weeks on end. Freezer cut out last week and I realised what the problem was. I switched on the superfreeze/fast freeze switch and all came back on within an hour.

The problem is that the Bosch operating instructions suggest that this should be switched on only for 24 hours. We have run it for a week and intend doing so for several more - continuously. It seems to operate by activating the internal light, which is alluded to in some solutions below.

My question is, can it harm the appliance to leave the superfreeze on for a prolonged period of time in this way?

Tim Synge, December 2010
Frigidaire makes a "garage Heater" which will help warm up the ambient tempature to ensure proper cooling, etc.

It basically is an electric heat coil that surrounds the thermostat housing and plugs right into the electircal wires provided. Took about a 1/2 hour to install and did the trick until it got real cold outside....20 degrees or so.

Lets face it - at 20 degrees, open the doors and let the cold air in...........not much works at that tempature any how.

Dan, December 2010
Simply warm up the inside of the fridge with a hairdryer and see if the compressor starts working. This wo`nt cure it but will tell you if the fridge/freezer still works and only takes a couple of minutes.

Gaz, December 2010
have you tried turning it on?

Geezar, December 2010
Found out today the ONLY make of freezer that will function correctly in low ambient temperature is Beko that is down to -15 degrees c. The reason is they use a slightly different mix of gases to other manufacturers. Apparently the more common gases freeze in cold conditions and then the freezer stops working and then work again as the gas thaws hence the reason they work fine all summer! This applies to modern cfc free freezers older ones are fine.

Lou, April 2010
All fridge Freezers have an ideal ambient operating temperature range. It seems to me that the ambient range is exceeded by cold weather in your garage.

Christophe, March 2010
There's quite a lot of silliness being talked here.

I think you'll find that cheaper fridge/freezers have only a single compressor and thermostat, so what happens to the freezer is governed by the fridge temperature. In low ambient temperatures, the fridge will switch off, long-term, and so the freezer will gradually come up to ambient temperature.

More expensive fridge/freezers have dual compressors with separate thermostats for fridge and freezer. They will always offer superior performance but still cannot cope with very low temperatures.

Why? Because modern refrigerants do not work properly at very low ambient temperatures. So forcing the compressor to keep working at low temperatures doesn't do a lot to help.

For the same reason, bypassing the thermostat on a single-thermostat fridge/freezer or forcing it 'on' will not work either.

That's why, if you take the trouble to check your operating instructions, you will almost certainly find they say an ambient temperature of at least 10°C is required. Many will demand 16°C minimum.

The only satisfactory solution is to increase the ambient temperature, which is why Trebor's surround is the best answer here, unless you can find a heater as described by Jacquelyn, but most of them are from the US and hence 110V. Of course, you may be able to bodge some sort of heater for the compressor - just don't overdo the heat!

Dave H, January 2010
Yes I've opened fridge door and put on coldest number and freezer is now working but when I close door again freezer temp. rose again!!!
Hurry up thaw!

Yvonne, January 2010
Same problem - Freezer section of Fridge-Freezer not working in garage with outside temperature at sub-zero for several days now.
After reading these replies I have just left the fridge door open for the last couple of hours with the fridge turned to its coldest setting. Freezer is now down to working temp.

Jon L, January 2010
I built a simple surround around the fridge/freezer. The inner chamber of this was kept warm by the heat emitted from the freezer and 'raised' the outside tempriture in the chamber. Simple 9mm ply, clad in 25mm expanded foam will do the trick. Allow breathing hopes top and bottom.

Trebor, December 2009
I just learned about a Garage fridge heater kit that you attach to the fridge. It creates a small amount of heat (as needed) and triggers the compressor. Problem solved.

Jacquelyn, December 2009
Please can anyone inform me if there is such a fridge freezer that would work in an outside garage as mine is doing the same as the others, I have had to dispose of a freezer load of food as it had partly defrosted.

Carol, December 2009
Had the same problem with our Indesit BAAN12 model. Sort of solution was to turn the thermostat control off then back on again.

This kicks the compressor into life and everything gets back to it's proper temperature.

However!! (There's always a however!!) When the thermostat cuts off, it stays off!

I found doing this trick twice a day kept everything frozen until the weather wormed up.

KP, August 2009
My fridge freezer is in my garage and defrosts at low ambient temperature. Switching to fast freeze froze the freezer but also froze the contents of the fridge and spoilt them.On my fridge freezer the fast freeze switch is a hard wired switch which I have to switch on and off, it does not time out as on some models.I have used a plug in lighting timer normally used to switch lights on and off which has 1/2hr settings (one with 1/4hr settings would give finer control) but mine seems to be working fine. I have set it on for 1/2hr and off for 31/2hr (totalling 4hr) 8 times round the dial. The fridge freezer is plugged in with the fast freeze permanently turned on. I have monitored fridge temperatures between 0/5C and freezer temperatures between -24/-20C so the timer is closely imitating the thermostat control. The refrigerant cycle is obviously working at the low ambient in my garage (-1/+6C during the cold spell). I cannot comment yet on whether there will be long term degradation of the coolant but at least the fridge freezer works at the moment

Peter, March 2009
I am having the same problem, was thinking of bypassing the thermostat so that the freezer is permanently on - then sticking the appliance on a timer, any thoughts

PercyWarmBeer, January 2009
Is anybody aware of when the gas was changed from hfc and cfc to the new type gas.

Paul, December 2008
Well, here is an additional question. Why does food actually thaw even though the temp outside is between -10 to 20 degress never getting above 20 degrees? I had a freezer in my cabin and it actually thaw the food with NO SOURCE of HEAT for over a month. Does the freezer actually heat up?

Wondering, November 2008
Its the ambient temperature that is the problem, the refrigerant gas that replaced hfc and cfc is not stable at low temperatures, below 10'c is a problem. no solution! A couple of companies brought out models they claimed would work in such conditions, but they have since been taken off the market. All refrigerated items including chest freezers have the same problem.

kirsty, November 2008
There is a very simple solution to this delema. Install a 40w light bulb, and socket in the refrigerator compartment. This will bring the refrigerator compartment up slightly, not only preventing these items from freezing, but but fooling the thermostat into opperating the compressor. Thus, keeping the freezer down to normal opperating temperature. -Duh

Lee Peterson, November 2008
You should check the ambient operating temperature. On many freezers, and fridges for that matter, the ambient operating temperaure governs whether the thing will operate or not. Usually it is about 10 to 32 C........so most fridges and freezers are designed to go in houses, not garages.....allways check this as most shop assistants are dumb on this point


Chris, May 2008
You should check the ambient operating temperature. On many freezers, and fridges for that matter, the ambient operating temperaure governs whether the thing will operate or not. Usually it is about 10 to 32 C........so most fridges and freezers are designed to go in houses, not garages.....allways check this as most shop assistants are dumb on this point


Chris, May 2008
Mine is doing the same thanks for this guy's, thought i was gonna have to buy a new fridge!

Sherlock, January 2008
Mine is doing the same thanks for this guy's, thought i was gonna have to buy a new fridge!

Sherlock, January 2008
Had the same problem recently. Here's what I figured out:
The thermostat is housed in the fridge compartment (?) and when the outside temp is low, the fridge gets colder and cuts out the thermostat, as it should One possible solution here is to set the fridge to its lowest temp setting. This will force the cooling circuit to keep running to meet the lower temp demand and hence the freezer will work, (possibly!).
Alternatively, use the fast freeze button if you have one. This forces the appliance to keep running to deliver more cooling to the freezer compartment. This might keep the whole show on the road until the weather warms up a bit. In fact, certain Bosch fridge/freezers have a fast freeze button which simply leaves the inside light on (at reduced power), even when the door is shut! This forces the fridge temp up, to keep the cooling circuit running and hence keep the freezer going. So, the answer appears to be to do whatever to make the fridge compartment want to cool further, causing the freezer to keep cooling. Another solution is for manufacturers to spend an additional couple of quid to deliver appliances with separate thermostats for each compartment. This they now do, but charge you an extra 50 quid or so!

mr mole, December 2007
I had the same problem and actually thought my fridge freezer was broken so therefore called out the engineer. He has told me that such appliances need to be stored at room temp - 16-32degrees and if not it will not work propery!!! Apparently he claimed most people know this - clearly not! I now have a rather attractive fridge freezer in my antique dining room until i can arrange an alternative!!
Apparently if you want a freezer in the garage it is best to have a chest freezer as they work in a different way and cope better!!

Anna Siveter, December 2007
The problem is that the garage is too cold for the fridge. Fridges require an ambient temperature of 10 deg C minimum, the freezer therefore will not work

john Barker, December 2007