Well, continued reading this awful JVC Instructions book (not to be confused with a 'User Manual') and eventuellay found what I was looking for. You can set the Monitor output from the DVD to the following aspect ratios; 4:3LB (normal TV giving the letter box effect I was getting) which this machine was set to, 16.9 for those with widescreen TV's and 4:3PS which is Pan and Scan which chops the left and right ends off and makes the image full screen; thats the baby I want, so set that and nothing changed when playing my WB Matrix DVD. Many comments on the web stating that 4:3PS is not supported by most DVD's (i.e. they don't bother). Question is now for future purchases of DVDs prior to me upgrading toa widescreen, is, how do you know when you purchase the DVD if it supports 4:3PS mode or not. Nothing to that effect on the Warner Bros DVD I have so will steer clear of those and assume they are all that way. Any ideas on this ?
bathjobby, May 2005