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Toilet Leaking from Back?

Our American Standard toilet ( just over a year old) is leaking from underneath the tank, near the bolt on the left hand side. We keep a small bucket under there to catch the overflow, but in addition to being unsightly, the cat likes to drink from it. I bought a "tank to bowl gasket&bolt kit" on the advice of the man in the hardware store. Will this work, can we do it ourselves?( I know not to tighten the bolt too much or the porcelain will crack!). Thanks!
Suzanne, December 2007
Oh p.s. American standard is what used to be Ideal Standard, and their coupling wassher is completely differnt than the normal "half doughnut washer"

petethepisspoorplumber, December 2007
Plumbing is the easiest job in the world, until it goes wrong, and it often does. You don't sound very confident so I would not attempt it. Ask your friends and family if they know a good plumber they can recommend. We don't charge as much as people think, and you will often need to call us anyway. At least if you haven't touched it and you haven't got water "p*ssing out" (technical term) everywhere you can find someone at your leisure and not a national rip off b**tard in a blind panick as the contents of you home go floating down the road.

petethepisspoorplumber, December 2007