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My interior lights dont work in my cab or in the back of my transit?

I have a 2001 swb transit van and my interior lights do not work inside the cab or even the lights in the back.
I found a fuse board with relays under the bonnet and looked at the fuses but found they were ok. They stopped working after i loaded a matress in the back and knocked the light out of its slot. Any one have any idea please
David Biggs, January 2008
Check the fusebox in the cab its below the steering column by the pedals by were you unlatch the bonnet.failing that take the light out that you knocked and see if one of the wires has come loose.

mike, January 2008
Try the fuse box in the cab. Do you have a handbook?

MrMPuk, January 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Transit.