slt a tous j'ai une photocopieuse canon IR5055N avec un message d'erreur E000003-0010, j'ai chercher partous j'ai pas eu de solution, alors s'il y quelqu'un qui veut bien m’apporte son aide je serais très heureux
Marley NONGO, October 2011
I have an IR-7105 canon copier that displays an error E000110-0000. Does anyone know what this error code means?
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Danik, July 2008
How do you do.
beside me problem error E000005-0010 only I can not her(its) solve explain pozhaluysta. what produce unset of the mistake what will correct her(it)
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danik, July 2008
E005 means that the cleaning web has ran out.
In the fuser unit. (the hot bit) If you take off the top cover you will find a roll of white webbing that keeps the top roller clean. this winds on bit by bit with each copy. This has now come to the end. It will need a new one and resetting.
If you have a problem with it post another question and leave a conntact number.