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i have a mikomi lcd t.v which has a problem but i cant find the manufacture?

my t.v just stopped shoeing pictures suddenly. i have had it for 2 years
mary, February 2008
Brilliant - got two of these sets, mended one in half an hour after live dismantled testing (not recommended - do not try this at home) - there are three connectors which drive the screen - two from the power board (where the mains comes in) and one with a multi-coloured set of wires in a black sleeve, very thin, like telephone cable wires. This is the main picture driver (the other two are merely power supplies to the screen). It is this multi-connector which needs cleaning - put it back, and you're in business...

Sparkyat5EG, July 2014
Thank you to all those who wrote about the proble. I too had apparantly the same or similar problem with my "MIKOMI LCDW19HD" not turning on. I was fine but then today it just would not turn on. But the power on button would work but no picture and no sound. Reading the comments really helped as it is now working again. I opened it up and tried to unplug which ever plug I could find to unplaug as some of the coments said that helped. Some thing worked as it now works again. ut for how long I do not know. In the course of unplugging and replugging I accidentally snapped a pin off from the longest connector. The connected did not seem to locate easily so I tried to push it on and must have bent a pin. So I unplugged again and tried to straighten the pin which just snapped off under very little force. As if it could not tolerate another bent to straighten it. But believeing it could still work as maybe that pin is for scart or something else which I am not using. I just putit all back to gether and it started working fine. Any one know what those pins are for. I broke one of the end ones. They are about 3mm long, shiney and looks like there are about fifteen. Another intresting thing I found was a metal ring with wires wraped around. At first I thought it seemed wrong as you shouldn't coil wires as they could become a solenoid. So I though I would just remove it and straighten the wires. Then I realised it was a metal ring and then thought may be they intended a solenoid as so it may be serving an important part. But it was not secured down anywhere. Something I had never seen before. Any info would be of intrest to me. Thanks again.

Mike Greenwood, May 2014
Suffered loss of picture and sound on my Micomi 15inch LCD15796 TV. Removed & cleaned the power supply circuit board, now working again!

Geri Winter, February 2013
hi this is azaz kindly help me out how to connect mikomi with pc i have mikomi m17wsk001 i have the vga cable i go to tv menu & source button but there is no option of this pc input but at the back side there is a vga input for pc i don t have the remort of this t.v please help me out iam verry thankful to u

Azaz, December 2012
I had same problem, no picture , sound was good. could see screen for a split second on start up. I had mine in the loft and brought it down to re-use. tried using a warm hairdryer on the screen and it worked, this was two days after i brought it down from the loft.

try it nothing to lose.

Bob, November 2012
unscrew the back and gently brush with a soft brush. I used a pastry brush! Worked a treat :)

daisy, May 2011
My picture disappears if I switch it on for the first time that day and the room temperature is below 18 °C, and I have to warm the screen up using a hair dryer. Ridiculous I know. Utter pile of crap.

Claire, February 2011
hey guys and gals!
mine was a faulty switch!
just unscrew the back, cut wire's and bypass switch, use the power point as your on/off.
i had two faulty tv/dvd mikiomi's worked for both.

SCOTT, February 2011
how to reset the setting....?

yoggie yogaswara, January 2011
I bought two of these tvs from argos for christmas two years ago and both of them within weeks of each other have lost their pictures, sound ok. Pic comes on for a second or two and then black screen.
I should have guessed you get what you pay for. I paid 100 euro each so now I need to replace 2 TV's grrrr - well thats me and argos finished for electronics

jc, December 2010
i have had the same problem with mine, i,ve narrowed it down to the mains switch, which is a bank of switches, good luck,

Brian, December 2010
We had a similar problem with our Mikomi where we'd lose the picture for increasingly long periods about 15 mnths after we bought it. Consumer Direct was no use at all, showing no interest because it was out of guarantee. Argos, who don'tappear to advertise Mikomi as their hous brand, proved v hard to contact and then gave me the run-around but I'd begun to pick up that the units tended to overheat (leaving the TV on standby overnight didn't help) so I claimed there was an inherent defect. Eventually Argos agreed that if I paid for an independent report that concluded there was a manufacturing fault, they would 'assist me'. I therefore paid an electrical company £50 to find the fault. They identified the power pack as faulty but the technician's command of language meant that he described the fault in his report as 'wear and tear'. I pursued it with him and what he apparently meant was that it was a common failing but before I could get another report, the firm went bust. I emded up buying a cheap replacement power pack from BJ Henryand it's still working 3 years later. I seem to recall learning that there's a European Directive which extends the length of supplier's period of responsibility to 6 years (check this out before you take it as gospel) and CD ought to have been fully aware of this.

Alan Parkes, November 2010
how do i tune tv

caroline kellaway, October 2010
Same problem bought the 15" ctwo years ago , now nopicture just sound , I am going to speak to Argos to obtain a refund

kmj, October 2010
i have a mikomi 15" lcd tv, the power supply board stopped working, i managed to get another and it worked fine. it now has a bright red screen, any suggestions?

MRS S HUGHES, October 2010
Our Mikomi lasted 2 and a half years and now we've lost the picture but sound is ok. The picture comes on for about 2 seconds and then disappears. Judging from other comments I think we were lucky to get 2 and a half years out of our piece of Mikomi crap!

Lou, September 2010
What the guy below says is true. I had no picture and I took the back off it, took out the connectors, blew on them, replugged them and it's working fine again!

Mick, August 2010
Minle just coming up to the two years mark and I have a clear picture fr about half a second then blank screen, with perfect sound. Ok. I will try the transformer box trick and replacing the cable, but not holding out much hope. We ALL have to write to Argos to let them know. 2 years seems to be the max on this item and this is unacceptable. My partner bought this for me, and as he passed away I have no idea re receipts or anything, and have no funds for new.

SAT1, July 2010
i have lost the power cable for my tv

john charlton, June 2010
Had exactly the same problem with 2 tv's obviously cheap junk peddled by Argos and Tesco, they obviously dont bother with customer service, so buy another telly off an independent and boycott the above for all things electrical, vote with your feet and wallets. put a hammer through mine FELT GREAT.

writeoff, May 2010
Mine broke after 15 months. No picture.

louise, March 2010
bought a 19 in mikomi tv for my son 2yrs ago,all of a sudden it stopped working no sound, no picture no nothing. took it back to argos but counld'nt do nothing as the yrs warranty was up. i went and bought a new mikomi and that done same. i am very angry at this as a hard working single parent i feel let down by both argos and mikomi. took the tv's to a local shop for repair and said they don't do repairs to this were do i go, av got two tellys just sittin about doing

heather stewart, scotland, March 2010
No answer but related question. Mikomi CTV21TX30, Can I buy headphones to fit ?


giavanni, December 2009
Hi I have the same problem bought this 17" LCD and after two weeks no picture whatsoever what a waste of money!!

Jonny West Yorkshire, December 2009
I too have a mikomi 15 LCD with picture issue. When powered the picture & sound comes on, only to go off or leave a faint shadow,but still with sound.
TV reception is always a issue with portables where I live so I tried plugging in to cable ~ same result.
Off came the case. Unplugged connectors in turn and replugged hoping for a dry / dusty contact. Now working total cost £0.00.

chris m, August 2009
My Mother's Mikomi CRT TV: CTV21TX30 has just failed, no picture, no sound, apart from a contiuous, pulsing high pitched whistling from inside the TV & the red, standby LED just dims when the remote is pressed when trying to get it to switch on.

It's only 16 months old and Argos don't want to know!!

Tony, Milton Keynes, May 2009
I have a mikomi LCD tv from E bay never worked E BAY would not let me complain (DONT BUY FROM EBAY.) this manufacturer is obviously cr*p., February 2009
Well im still trying to find them online but no luck,i could not even get help from the call free number on the booklet

Clive Harrison, January 2009
I have a Mikomi 19" LCD TV (LCDW19HD) for less than a month. It was on clearance at Argos for £100. It's got a flicker problem whenever I try to play a DVD from my PS2 and sometimes a flicker problem during gameplay on the PS2. I have found unplugging it and plugging it back in solve the problem, but it just repeats. Am going to contact Argos.

Jessica Lohse, January 2009
I've got the same problem with my 12mth old tv, I have contacted Argos to see what they intend to do.

linda, January 2009
i have the same probmlem its 1 year old! .if you get a verry verry bright light u can just see a picture on mine but not watchable:(
but mine was from tescos

joe, December 2008
Just purchased new power cable transformer, hoping that was the fault, and IT WAS!!works perfectly now

jonhi, October 2008
I have a similar problem with my 2 year old 17" Mikomi - can't get past standby and red LED flickers. Spoke to Argos today who say they can't help. Wonder if PK recd. his power cable and if it solved the problem? does anyone know where else I might buy the transformer cable

jonhi, October 2008
Took mine back to Argos last week, it was sent for repair, just received phone call. Can't be fixed so will give me refund!

Nikki, October 2008
hi my mikomi remote will not work with the remote . i have changed the battery, but still no go. am i missing a trick?

morlo, October 2008
We have the same problem - picture disappearing after 0.5 secs. For a couple of days we've managed to get a picture by switching on and off on the top of the TV. I took it back today as we've only had it 9 months and we now have to await a repair engineer to call. Meanwhile my disabled husband has to manage without a TV in his bedroom. I agree these machines should be recalled or a full refund given so we can buy something better.

Ruth, September 2008
Hi,i bought a Mikomi 15"lcd with freeview in Oct 2007 and the picture went in Sept 2008 still had perfect sound and if you switched between Digital and analogue you might eventually get a picture(5 mins).I didn't have my reciept however argos traced the sale found the numbers for me and should be sending a repair man...lets see.

Johnny Doughnut, September 2008

JOHN WILKINS, August 2008
Has anybody resovled this problem,Is Argos exchanging them,I bought mine last November so it hasn't even made the 12 month guarantee.

foxy, August 2008
I got the same problem with mikomi lcd tv. I've contacted to Argos and this is the answer "Unfortunately Argos Spares cannot offer advice on technical problems or faults with your appliance and we recommend you contact a qualified service engineer to assist you further. However, if you establish that your appliance requires a replacement part in the future, we would be delighted to help. You can visit our website here: Please make sure you have the necessary details on your appliance such as the Make, Model, the Serial / Model number, Colour and finally a summary of parts required......."
....Thank you very much indeed Argos :-(

PK, July 2008
me again.regarding tv no pivture but sound and then eventually wont power up. I found on another website that this is a problem with the Li Shin transformer cable. Guy said if you actually open up transformer box you will find parts are covered in mastic or similar, just shoddy instal. He removed this and tried it again and wonders its worked fine since. Lots of other folk then tried it with same problem and they all work again!!!. I'm not that brave so called Argos this morning and said I had fault in power cable and believed this to be known fault and hey presto ,no questions asked she ordered me a new one no cost to arrive in 2 days. Last call 2 days ago I was told nothing they could do as set was 2yrs old, so give them a call.

weepand, March 2008
Mikomi telephone number on booklet is 0845 1204364 for tech difficulties. My 2yr old 23ins LCD suddenly stopped powering up. Its not main tv in house so only had limited use. Sounds more and more like manufacturing fault. Mikomi told me as over a year old they can't do anything and that was end of it. Argos said pretty much the same. Perhaps everyone should write to Argos stating due to number of faults found on internet they should investigate if man. fault and recall

weepand, March 2008
My mikomi is doing exactly the same thing...i've only had mine for about a month! it's either a bad batch or overall shoddy craftsmanship.

Eifion, February 2008

Hi, I came across your question looking for some help with exactly the same problem. Our mikomi lcd t.v has just lost it's picture this week and is around two years old. Seems a strange co-incidence. It sounds like it could be a general problem or maybe a faulty batch? We are located in the North West, where are you?

Debbie, February 2008
it is argos own make

stephen, February 2008
Mikomi is an Argos Own Brand. Anyone could have made it for them.

According the Which TVs should last for five years anything less and a TV almost certainly had an inherent fault when it was were purchased.

If I was you I would write to Argos saying that two years is unacceptable and what are they going to do about it? They ought to offer to repair it for free or replace it with a deduction for the use that you have had for the last two years.

t, February 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Mikomi.