I emailed a previous poster "Paul" a couple of days back and he gave me some very good tips regards shiny trouser seats. I'd recommend you drop him a line.
Paul S Jones, August 2010
Eat more beans
regina, August 2008
Serge material (often used in uniforms) tends to shine up really well. Constant wearing and sitting on hard, smooth surfaces gives a natural shine to the seat but you can cheat and carefully use an iron directly on your trousers. Enjoy!
Any more tips for shining up trousers? email me redrailroader@yahoo.co.uk
Paul, March 2008
I can get this done for you if you would like-email geejay@ntlworld.com
G, June 2007
Wear them daily on a leather or wooden chair. Pure wool usually gives the best shine, but any fabric will become shiny with constant wear. Enjoy!