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dismantling nokia 5200?

I have broken the screen on my nokia 5200 and want to take it out, but cant work out how it comes out, does anyone know how to do this.
David, March 2008
heya mate,
im tryna do the same thing so i bought a genuine cheap screen with opening tools, from china via ebay!
All i gotta do now is get the micro connection alligned- (its so fiddley and delicate) i might see what favours any phone shop will pull out for me... OTHER WISE.. i think there should be more information avaliable about specific repairs and techical basics!! does anybody know of a site...??? //!

Kris tie, May 2008
Search for "repair nokia 5200" on youTube. You'll find many different videos to help you. All you need is a Torx driver

Mike, March 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Nokia.