Try turning the color control down. When the color is set too high, I think everything seems red because red is the highest frequency of light on the spectrum; so as the color value increases, red eventually takes over.
If that doesn't work, you could also try turning the tint down. The tint, from what I've noticed (I don't know exactly what it does), seems to control the blue-to-red ratio. Turn the tint control down or to the left in order to sacrifice red value for blue.
Also if you notice that the redness seems to bleed or stretch to the right of objects, then I would suspect that the CRT bulb is burned out. If that is the case, then I would suggest getting a new TV. CRTs (cathod-ray tubes) take up about 80% of the cost of a TV, so replacing the CRT would cost just as much or even more than just buying a whole new TV. In fact, I'm not even sure if repair guys even replace CRTs.
Josh, October 2006