a parkinson cowan fireflame de luxe radiant convector gas fire?
I have a parlkinson cowan fireflame de luxe convector gas fire on which the control knob assembly has broken. Where can I get spare part
Appliance GC No.32 552 98
what makes a stron smell when burning??? the gas seems to burn blue all over...
fred, October 2011
what is the output in kw ?
tdrysdale, March 2009
we purchased our fire from British Gas in September 1986. we have it serviced by B.G. But we woundering if spares are still available for this modle
Frank Middleton, March 2009
The part you are looking if your gas fire is a MAIN fireflame delux is control knob assembly makers part no 862/1051 this is on sale on ebay. Put a search in for gas fire knobs.