Wireless connection Please Help Urgent?
Okay, My PC resently broke down. it would turn on but nothing but the compaq loading screen would come on. i went to the boot menu i think it was and fully reset my PC deleting all non-factory files (the file i had made, or the files that do not come with the PC) so basicly it was like geting the PC for the first time. my gateway plugged into the back of the PC, the one sending the info to the router, seems to not be working, the lights arn't on and nobody is home. im not sure if this is because it hasn't configured a connection or it is just plain not working. anyway i have tried everything and i cant get up a connection. it won't let me view other wireless conections around my area. and i cant find a way to enter my details in randomly. could somebody please tell me how to do this cause it is really annoying me. =(
thanks rob, 14
rob, May 2008