The battery is located inside the cabinet on the circuit board. This unit originally used a 3.6v 30mAh Ni-Cd axial lead battery that is soldered to the circuit board. Accessing the circuit board is accomplished by removing the two screws on the back (customer) side of the unit then, lifting slightly, sliding the top toward the front, releasing the front tabs. The keyboard unit should remain in position and the top can be laid aside.
The circuit board is located on the inside bottom below the keyboard unit. The keyboard section, connected to the circuit board by two ribbon cables, simply lifts up and toward the front. The battery is located on the far right center of the circuit board, looking at it from the front. This exact type of battery is somewhat difficult to find but you may find a suitable (3.6v 60mAh) replacement on Ebay. Hope you find this to be helpful.
David, July 2011