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my samsung fridge freezer rs21dcsv compressor on all the time?

please can you advise me why the compressor to fridge is on all the time we did not have cold water but we defrosted water tank and lowered fridge temperture which solved that. it also makes a noise as if fan is on stops when fridge door is open.
rita payne, May 2008
Hi thanks for the tip Niko the compressor had failed and we took your advise and called agsrefrigeration who came out and replaced all fine now.

Daneila, March 2013
Highly unlikely for your compressor to be running all the time your appliance will shut down after an hour or so had a similar problem wasnt the compressor of the fan inside the fridge compartment like i was quoted by various companies but the condenser fan motor i found this out after i was given the number of an engineer who use to work for them in the london area. give him a call. agsrefrigeration.co.uk.

niko, June 2012
thankyou Gemma for your brillent info and phone number... i had the same problem with my fridge and i found your comment, followed it up and rang the number...... the NEXT DAY an engineer called and now my fridge has the modifiaction on FREE OF CHARGE :)) and my fridge is out of warrenty also .... Thanyou so much ... well done :) x

janice, October 2011
wow nicola, thanks so much for that advice. Comet were about to charge £99 to come and fix mine with the same load nise/fan problem, just read your post and rang samsung who are now coming to fix it free of charge!! funny how comet dont advise you that you can have it done for free eh? once again THANKYOU!!

KATE, August 2010
Thanks for including the phone number in your message Nicola. I had a similar problem with mine. I had already bought a new fridge before I found this forum. However, I have just contacted Samsung and it was very easy to get through to someone on the helpline. They have now booked an engineer to repair the fridge. Very good customer support - I wish them the very best in sales:-)

Arnold, December 2009
hiya contact samsung i did and they came out and replaced all the compressors and other parts including the water tank within 48 hours, it is a common fault on this model and even if its out of guarantee they repair it free of charge without a fight xxx

gemm, March 2009
i have just rang the helpline for my fridgefreezer has just thrown a wobbler.they told me it was still guaranteed and they would be sending a engineer out free of charge.they were extremely helpful and very polite.

janice, December 2008
Nicola - oh my god, thank you! I just called Samsung, and they are coming to repair my noisy fridge on a limited extended warranty scheme, FOR FREE! My boyfriend was about to start taking the thing apart and would have probably ended up blowing himself up and destroying my lovely fridge! Thank you, thank you, thank you! God love the internet!

Gemma Smith, August 2008
I have a samsung freezer RS21DCSV. Mine was making a VERY loud,horrible noise coming from the fridge side when opening the fridge door it stopped. Hubby took alook at it. The back was full of ice around the fan so the fan couldnt turn (hence the noise) Took the back off and poured warm water this melted the ice. Put all the bits back. Didnt work - infact the fridge got worse. The temp of the fridge and freezer went up plus I couldnt use the water or ice cube disp it stopped working. Phoned samsung thought the fan was knackered wanted to buy the part and that a new fan would solve all the problems - (found my receipt I have had the fridge for over 4 yrs so I wouldnt be covered by the warranty)told them about the noise and the fan Samsung said they would phone me back within 24 hours. They did! The whole conversation was mad. I didnt have to argue I explained about the noise and the ice build up etc. Within two days samsung sent an engineer out who was FREE OF CHARGE FOR HIS TIME AND PARTS - changed the fan, cooling system and replaced other bits in the back to a new design that doesnt have the "build up ice problem". When asking the engineer cos I was still waiting for a hidden charge for me to pay. He said that this is now a KNOWN design fault due to everyone complaining eg through Samsung, trading standards etc, Watchdog was now involved and Samsung HAVE to change the parts FREE OF CHARGE. My fridge was repaired yesterday (saturday) temp went back to normal no noise and I have the water and ice cube disp is back working. Too top iT all Samsung have sent me a further 2 yrs warrenty free of charge too. SO PLEASE DONT REPAIR IT YOURSELF PHONE SAMSUNG!! 0845 726 7864

Just to add another comment.

When I check with Samsung yesterday as it still seem to unreal that it would be fixed by them and FREE OF CHARGE and on a SATURDAY. Gave them my repair number and now the time was gone 5pm.
I asked them if the engineer was coming as Ive had no fridge working since last Tuesday. I was worried about my daughters medication( epipen and her other medication) Did anyone know that NO MEDICATION SHOULD BE KEPT IN THE FRIDGE? I had a snooty nose bloke tellin me NO DOMESTIC FRIGDE SHOULD HOLD MEDICINES . Then when I argued about when purchasing a fridge WHERE does it say that. You look at the style, size, the inside, whether you want additional features like the ice cube/water the price but NOWHERE does it say NO MEDICINES ALLOWED TO BE STORED INSIDE THIS FRIDGE. So he said its written in the manual page 4 - Sorry I dont read the manuals in the store too the fridges I read what advertise with the fridge, and whether it suits me. Lets face it everyone who has been unwell have stored their medication in the fridge especially if you have children. The end of the conversation is that I should buy an additional fridge thats sole use is for holding medication. SAMSUNG dont make one. Has anyone else had that comment from them?

Nicola, July 2008
We had that noise on our rs21dcsv fridge-freezer. I took the inside back light panel and the panel below out and a lot of ice had formed in there. the fan was catching on the ice making this loud noise. I just cleared the ice using a cloth and really hot water. This cleared the problem up immediately.
I hope this is all that is wrong with yours

Bill Schofield, June 2008
email me for more advice

airkool@hotmail.co.uk, May 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Samsung.