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can anyone give information about my tv?

I have a big wide screen tv that want turn on..It was working fine last night and i have had no promblems with it at all.Now all of a sudden if you try to turn it on it want do anything but make a noise like its spitting at you.it makes that noise 3 times before stopping after you try to turn it on..Does anyone have any idea what it may be thats causing this problem.
Constance, November 2003
The noise you hear is the power supply starting up and shutting down because of a fault drawing to much current. It is designed to only try starting up so many times before closing down, for safety reasons. The fault is probably in the Line Output Stage and is a job for a skilled person, as knowledge of the workings of the set and handling high voltages is required.

David Hall, June 2008
need make and model

chris jones from merthyr tydfil email chrsjns69@googlemail.com, June 2008
Sounds like high voltage arcing to me though the '3 times' is a bit out of character for this. If it is arcing then fire is the next risk, look out for a burning plastic smell as a clue. If is is arcing then the high voltage coil may need to be replaced and they dont come cheap usually something like £45 and that's before a repairman does the fix.

Phil Dixon, November 2003