Hi guys,
Firstly your pressure should never be at 3bar unless you got a problem!
When you top up your system it should be to between 1-1.5bar (when system is cold) while operating if all is ok, this should not rise above 2.5 bar, if it does then the safety valve on the boiler lifts and water will escape out the vent pipe (under your boiler, and piped to outside)
Now, firstly get you system pressure right (if over 1.5 bar, bleed off from a radiator until correct) then check outside where the vent pipe comes out, if it is dripping or dribbling, then the safety valve in the boiler needs replacing.
If not, turn on the boiler, and watch the system pressure build, if it builds to 3 bar (look outside anagin, you will see the water escape) then it is a sign that your expansion vessel is either undercharged (easy one for someone to fix) or is split and needs replacing.
T, June 2008