LOOKING FOR MANUAL FOR Panasonic Dimension 3 Microwave/convection oven?
Looking to use a Panasonic Dimension 3 microwave/convection oven but I don't have a manual. would really like input. I phoned Panasonic but they don't keep anything that old. Modelno. NE-9930C
Did you ever find a manual for the Panasonic Dimension 3, NE-9930A? I also am looking for that manual.
Ellen Keenan, June 2009
I have a Dimension 3, and need a replacement part- the plastic roller/turntable part underneath the metal turntable. If any of you who responded to this posting have that part- especially the fellow with 2 partly-inoperative units, please let me know. E-mail is:
Peter, March 2009
I have this microwave / convection oven. In fact, I have two of them. In one, the microwave part doesn't work, the other, the convection. I'm wondering if anyone knows how I can swap the convection element?
Diehardforconvection, October 2008
I own a Dimension 3. Perhaps I can help you with something. Please write me at eclecticyardsale@peoplepc.com .
lhutchsn, October 2008
Correction to email contact address:
please use bobpratt5453@yahoo.comm
Bob Pratt, June 2008
I (Bob Pratt) provided an answer earlier but in the meantime, I found a possible solution at this eBay website: