Unless you have a special "solder station" to do SMT (Surface Mount Technology), you should only buy the completed (http://www.chargeconverter.com/shop/connector.htm?connboser.htm) circuit board from Ridax.
The SMT requires special equipment to solder the tiny, tiny wires to the circuit board. I have many years of electronics experience, but I cannot solder these tiny, tiny connections. I have watched several YouTube videos with no luck on being able to used standard solder methods. I now must order the $59 replacement board and scrap the recently purchased $19 repair kit.
I called a high end electronics manufacturing shop and they charge $50 an hour to re-solder my board.
Three of the items on the board are no problem, the docking connector is unbelievably tiny as the connections are only .5 gnats-azz apart.
Chas John, September 2009