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how can I fix red indicator light on janome 4326LE Plus?

How can I fix the red internal indicator bulb which shows which stitch I am using on my janome 4326 LE plus sewing machine? The bulb has failed. Can I do this myself?
welsh sewer, August 2008
Blushes and red face. I took it into my dealer Mr Owen In Wrexham who fixed it for free in 2 seconds. I had forgotten to move the bobbin winder back to its place after winding. When he moved it back the red light came back on. Mr Owen of sewing machines direct also sorted out the up/down needle again for free. I can now sew again!
Welsh sewer

Welsh Sewer, August 2008
If you can get the top off you will see the bulb that should be quite easy to change., August 2008