If you have the manual, locate the diverter valve, on it should a a screw(called the throttle) turn it anticlock wise(i think) this let the water throught the boiler quicker, so it cant get as hot.
LTGF, August 2008
sorry, its a VCWGB242EH and the water is comming through too hot! as I said I replaced the thermostat(the one at the bottom that controls the water tempressure. Could this be a faulty thermostat? the mira 415 shower in the bath cant seem to cope with the high tempressure? I would be grateful for your advice.
Ged, August 2008
crystal ball not working any particular vailant..of the hundreds they have produced
corgi bloke, August 2008
I can answer this question...
The water from my valient combi is top hot, I have replaced the thermostat?