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Moving toilet seat?

How do I stop my toilet seat from moving around. ? It does this because the toilet is positioned close to a wall and therefore one cannot sit 'square' on the seat you are always sitting at an angle and therefore putting undue pressure on the seat so that it moves.

Kate Crawford, September 2008
Even if the bolt is reasonably tight if you have one of these plastic brackets that is made to accommodate several different pan hole positions you may find that the seat can still move about as the bolt moves within the "spaces" in the bracket. The solution is, get the seat in the correct position and tighten the bolts, then buy a small packet of plastic filler from a car repair shop. Open up the hinged top that covers the bolt heads from view (it is normally just "snapped" down into place) mix the plastic filler and using a spatula fill around the bolt head so that when it sets the bolt is held in position. You will need to do this with both bolts.
Hope this helps.

Yehbaby, October 2009
ahhh the old 'my seat is loose" question (laughing)... there are 2 bolts that hold the seat on look under your toilet for them ..... be warned do NOT over tighen them!!! you will strip out the nuts, or bolts or break the toliet. snug them up ad it should be fine for a bit , you might have to do this often if you can't sit on the seat square

Nort73, September 2008