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HOw can i fix my SanDisk - Sansa Fuze 8GB MP3 Player - Silver?

How do i fix the white screen on my mp3 player
Bob, September 2008
this just happened to me after having my player for 4 years. I just turned it off and on a few times (needed to hold the power button 10+ seconds) and it came back. And as the last poster said, it was after scrolling the radio.

vc, March 2013
my sansa fuze, it works but the screen it white, ive tried holding the power button but nothing works, is there any else way to fix this ?

Larissa, November 2010
upgrade firmware. theres another way were u have to open it and and build a bridge with 2 cables n then hooking et up to ur comp
INSTRUCTIONS N PICTURES.http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SansaAMSUnbrick

im bout try it out for my self

Fredo, September 2010
yes - on the 10 second hold... worked for me!

Russell Webb, March 2010
just had this problem. I just left the player on and let
the battery power discharge to empty. When I reconnected it to my computer to recharge, the normal functions were back without any problem.

dnz, January 2010
how to fix my power button it is off track

vernon williams, December 2009
how to fix my power button

vernon williams, December 2009
I was able to fix the white screen on my player by holding the on/off button in the off position for about 10 full seconds. Once the player turned off I was able to turn it back on as normal, and the white screen was gone. In my case the white screen appears after a specific sequence of events, usually when scrolling the volume button on the FM radio. I have sometimes had to switch to the home screen and select a music file to change the volume, then return to the radio. I'm hoping it's a firmware issue, but I really don't know

New Sansa owner, January 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Sandisk.