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Gas Fire Doesn't Work?

Our Focal Point Living Flame Gas Fire was working perfectly yesterday. Today, there is no spark from the ignition and there appears to be no supply of gas (can't hear it when you turn the dial). We have checked the gas stove in the litchen and that works fine. If there is a fault with the gas supply, does that trigger a fail-safe cut-out to the ignition and vice-versa ??
Annie, September 2008
How long since it`s been serviced?Pilot outage can be a symptom of a greater problem,call out an RGI,to check chimney and give it a good clean and inspection.

Gasman, September 2008
All modern fires have safety cut off valves built into them.Does the fire usually light a pilot first,then you hold the button in for 30 secs before turning it to full.If so try and light the pilot with a spill.If the gas does light check the flame is blue in colour,if it is burning yellow the air intake hole just below the pilot will be linted up.Get a piece of tube and blow through the hole and you should find it ok after.

Tony S, September 2008