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How to get rid of smell in the fridge/freezer ?

While we were away on a trip there was a power failure and our fridge/freezer was turned off for 3 weeks which resulted in very rancid food and a smelly house. We have cleaned the fridge but some smell is still lingering. What is the way to go to get rid of the smell ?
Anita, September 2008
put a drink cordial in a open contaner in your frige and leave it over night

molly, October 2009
Found a cure :) defrost fridge freezer then get some bicarbonate soda mix with warm water and wash the fridge and freezer out with that. Then leave a small cup of boiled water mixed with bicarbonate soda in the freezer and the same again in the fridge compartment with the doors shut for a few hours. That should cure any nasty smells :)

lithy 2009, May 2009
I have same problem try just putting half a lemon in the fridge it seems to somehow make it slightly better

lithy2009, May 2009