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Is changing the HEAT RESISTOR on my 03 FORD FIESTA a complicated Job or NOT?

I am Mechanically minded and have basic tools, but I do NOT want to be TRAPPED into starting a Job that will go on forever.

Does changing the HEAT RESISTOR require ANY SPECIAL TOOLS ? If so please name them.

Thanks very much in anticipation
Skidder, September 2008
Not a difficult job (like brushing ur teath) just need a philips screwdriver and the resistor is located under the glovebox at the side nearest the centre-console (bit with radio/heater). It's a small black rectangular shaped object with a molex plug, remove molex wiring plug, unscren the single philips head and pull out resistor. Re-fitting is opposite of removal!

Fraser, December 2008
hi,get your hands on haynes manual from the library this will tell you all you need best of luck

steray, September 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Fiesta.