I just bought it yesterday from Argos and fitted it myself via the standard ISO fitting in my Rover 600. What a stereo - has everything I wanted at about a third of the price of other brands. It also has an SD card slot behind the fascia which is not mentioned any any of the adverts - this plays like a dream, I have a 2 GB card inserted and now don't have to burn CD's of my favourite MP3's. So for 50 quid you get bluetooth connectivity (works like a dream, and the stereo itself has a phone keypad which is not found on many models!), SD card and USB memory stick compatibility, CD player with MP3/WMA support, decent tuner and a full dot-matrix display which is reversible!! Must be the deal of the century..and oh I forgot, the sound quality does not disappoint, I can't tell the difference between this and the Sony Xplod unit it replaced even though the latter is supposedly 45x4watts compared to the Wharfedale's 20wX4!
HCC, September 2008