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washing machine trips circuit?

had this washing machine < hot point aquarious model wma58> for three years working perfectly on the normal ring main . recently we had a new kitchen installed and a new RCBO circuit covering all sockets in it , since then on the final spin it trips the ciruit .iam conffused . any answers?
andy, October 2008
Any "loose earth" connection should be made good i.e. tightened - not removed completely which would be unsafe and probably illegal - and an earth connection is very unlikely to work itself loose.

From reading this ...

It seems to me your WM motor is tripping the RCBO only when on high load and therefore highest current. It follows then that your RCBO is tripping because of overload curent.

Perhaps you need an RCBO with a higher threshold of Overload current? Or an RCD instead. Your WM has been working fine for some time - the problem arrived with the RCBO. Your installer may have selected an inappropriate protection device.

Peccavi, October 2008
could be a loose earth on washer moter. take earth off the moter and try it again if it works have an engineer look at it hope this helps you

bren, October 2008