Well, I've tested the circuit board. I found DC voltage which runs the relays ( ~24v) ( and one of the relay turns on when first powered on) so I knew this was good. I also found the DC voltage which ran the cpu ( (~5.4v).
The leds on the panel all appear to be run by the CPU, so if they are not on, my only conclusion is that the CPU has gone kaput. I noticed that there is very little circuit protection and the circuit board is extremely rudimentary ( single sided board with all discrete through lead compoments ). This is a disappointment really because the rest of the dishwasher appears to have good quality parts.
So, as a result, this thing is a piece of junk. The board can be replaced but it's about $400 US, which here in New Zealand would mean about $600 NZD, nearly the price of a new dishwasher.
So thanks, corporate world, you've just wasted a huge amount of resources because you've produced something which is not reparable!
Btw, I've bought a used dishwasher to replace this one for $120.
daltxguy, December 2008