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faulty ecoflame oil burner ?

ive got a ecoflam minor 1 burner that when switche don just starts the fan then throws the fuse.the lockout light doesnt go on .could it be the control box
phil, November 2008
buuner is going for 5 mins then cuts out can u help me

paul toman, October 2010
try this, happened to me, take burner out of boiler and check "spark pins" try to fire it up and see if there is a short, a tiny spark further in the burner, the pins are held in with a single screw and are cheap, always check in dark as a short is easier found, hope this works
nothing worse than cold house
hope all goes well

piers, February 2009
This sounds like a fault with the wiring of the burner. You should have a 3 amp fused switch at boiler to stop it triping the main board. Think a spark would sort this problem for you.

Chris Plumbing @ Heating, January 2009