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GE microwave is acting weird?

I found a microwave in the dumpster and I plugged it in and the display showed 2 letters 'PF' and then displayed 'F3' and beeped 4 or 5 times. What is that all about? It is a GE microwave P/N DE68-00307A. Is it fixable?
chrisusvi, November 2005
My GE microwave does not make the heating sound when on and has no light but sometimes light will come on. It heats the food but why isn't it making the normal heating sound when on? I do not want to keep using it and blow up on me.

Mary James, February 2016
My display panel showed the word "smile" and it quickly went away. No one saw it but me about a month ago.
Today, my daughter saw the word "inspire" on there. It went away quickly.
Anyone know why this is happening? At least they are positive messages!

Kim, August 2014
when I open the door it buzzes light is on. When I press the puttons it buzzes also

theresa, February 2010
I have a GE Microwave with the same exact problem described above. The back of the microwave has the same P/N: DE68-00307A and the inside of the microwave has model number JES1034WF001. The problem occurred during an electrical rainstorm so I did not believe the F3 was related to the keypad in this particular instance. Pressing (and holding) the Clear/Power button reset the microwave and turned it off. Pressing it again got the microwave back on. I set the clock, and the microwave is working just fine as it always has. I hope you have not returned the microwave to the dumpster. The manual is available on GE's website by searching on the model number. I tried giving you this information on an appliance blog website but they wanted to charge me $5 to post any replies. Glad you posted on this website too.

GCSRSS, May 2009
I need manual how to use my microwave mutsui 111ss. But in russian or ukrainian

Andrew, July 2008
From GE website:

Microwave Error, Fault or Function Codes

Fault codes are programmed in many electronic microwave controls. These codes help GE Service technicians quickly diagnose issues with the microwave.

Fault code Definition
F1 Open Thermal Sensor, due to excessive heat in microwave cavity
F2 Shorted thermal sensor
F3 Shorted touch pad panel
F4 Open humidity sensor
F5 Shorted humidity sensor
F6 Shorted temperature probe.
F10 Shorted Touch Screen on JVM2070

In order to attempt clearing the code yourself, please follow the steps below:

Program control again.
If the fault code appears again, disconnect power to the microwave for 30 seconds.
Program the cooking function again.

If fault code appears again, service will be required. If you would like to schedule a service appointment, please contact GE Consumer Service or go to to schedule a service appointment on-line.

GE does recommend unplugging the microwave until you have it serviced.

If probe appears in the display, make sure probe is firmly inserted in to the wall of microwave and also into the food item. If you are not attempting to use the probe, follow directions above to reset the control.

Also, PF means power failure. Displays this message after it has been unplugged or if there has in fact been a power failure.

DA7, May 2006