can i repair roofing felt on a pitch roof from the loft?
i live in rented accomodation and a lot of roofing felt is hanging down in loft. my landlord will not replace roofing felt as involves removing roof tiles. bedrooms feel damp during rain or fog and in winter.
I would visit the Citizens Advice Bureau (UK) and check if he can get away with neglecting the repair when it's necessary. I'm not a lawyer but there's a contract - you pay rent & he provides accommodation that's at least not a threat to your health or safety.
Terry, December 2008
You can repair it from the inside in between the spa's making sure the laps are ok on the felt but this would only be a temp job, to do it proper you need to strip the roof off and refelt
Brian Knowles, December 2008
You could line the inside of the loft with something nailing it to the rafters from below but the landlord might get upset and you may well disturb the ventilation in the loft. Many houses have no roofing felt at all. See this...
Dampness in the bedrooms is unlikely to be due to the decaying felt in the loft space. In the winter the walls and windows are cold and the air in the house is warm and carries plenty of moisture - the result is condensation on the cold surfaces.
You might consider a Dehumidifier (Argos do one for £50) but can help yourself by keeping doors closed especially kitchen and bathroom - opening windows when cooking and bathing - providing some ventilation during warmer days to air the bedrooms and possibly turning the heating down a bit especially in the damp rooms.
Peccavi, December 2008
I can answer this question...
can i repair roofing felt on a pitch roof from the loft?