If you have any spare payment buttons, then they can be programmed to show any payment type you want. As standard, they usually have three or four payment buttons setup near the total button. I will need to know what payment types you have at the moment, then I can advise as to re-naming one.
This machine can store orders in tables as it is a powerful register. It is called GLU (guest look up) function. It takes quite a bit of setting up and is usually done by the dealer before the machine is sold. You would normally purchase more memory when setting up GLUs also, as the standard memory probably won't be enough to run guest accounts. It would normally take me around 2 hours of work to get it up and running, so there is no way I could tell you a simple method. It will need to go to a dealer and will cost a bit to setup.
You can use up to 6 lines of the receipt for your store details including phone number, tax registration number etc. If it isn't printing a store name or anything like that at the moment, then it may be turned off in programming (especially if it stamps 'thankyou' on the receipt).
Let me know what is printing at the top of each receipt, and I'll help you to change it.
Mark, December 2008