Should I repair my microwave GE Spacemaker XL or buy a new one?
The microwave could be 2 years old. Mfg. Date is 4/04.
It does not heat the food. There is an odor and smoke comes out of the vents from inside the oven. Could this be under warranty? Is it to costly to repair?
Spacemaker JVM1331- !2 years old.
Problem-can not use Nos. 1 thur 6. 7,8,8 and 0 work ok. Heat and van work ok but can not heat anything longer than 90 seconds.
I think I should buy a new one???
Chuck Dornbusch, January 2010
Exhaust fan makes noise
robin shedrow, September 2006
i,m having same problem' some of the parts are very costly
mark, July 2006
I can answer this question...
Should I repair my microwave GE Spacemaker XL or buy a new one?