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Hotpoint Aquarius WF321 Drum Replacement?

Hotpoint Aquarius WF321 Drum Replacement

The tub/drum assembly has fractured and now has a hole in it. I have sourced a new tub/drum assembly on the internet. How difficult is it to replace and does any one have any guidelines or advice as to the sequence of disassembly and re-build.

Many thanks
Mal R., January 2009
how to open a drum hotpoint wf321 no screw on drums

ali, June 2012
Gaz where did you buy your replacement bearings and seal kit from? Having difficulty obtaining them? Can anyone help?

Paul, June 2009
this is to all who are faceing the prospect of replaceing the drum because the bearings have failed at a cost of around £119.99 .First off DONT if you are any good with your hands then listen in ,i had a bigger problem my bearing housing had come loose from the main drum and as a result i thought i mite as well split the drum at the seem ,which i did useing a grinder, i then broke out the housing . you only have to do this if you have the same problem as me if its just the bearings then go to ref;2 .in taking the housing out i cracked the drum in two dont get worryed at this stage this needs to happen .once you have access to the bearings it is easy from now on , knock out the bearings and take to your local washing machine repair shop and buy new mine cost £21 .put the housing back in the drum by rapping fiber glass around it first and then squeezeing it all together , i used a ratchet strap, you can now fiber glass the crack all back together on both sides once this has all gone off,ref;2 put the bearings back in then the drum and put the fly wheel back on /i had to grind mine off and drill and tap un 8 mm hole to replace the fly wheel ,now dry fit the front of the drum and drill and bolt in 4 places so as the seal is correct all round once this is ok take off and glass all together clamp this well as much as you can and leave over night .you should now have a compleate drum and tub assy for a little hard work and at very little cost .i did a final leak test by bunging up the outlet hole and filling with water ,i had one little drip which i sealed with mastic,this all took 2 days work but saved me £100 good luck.GAZ.

Gaz Moore, February 2009
I have had a similar problem and have taken it all apart to try and fix it, Its not a very difficult job, If you have a new drum assembly its pretty easy to just take apart and put in new one. start with taking off top, then detergant section, followed by front section, held on by 4 screws, disconnect hoses, door seat clip, motor, then take off concrete weights and lift new drum off springs. Just make a not of what come from where

Jim, January 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Hotpoint Aquarius.