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Toilet does not fill with water?

Just went to flush the toilet which is about 5/6 years old and uses the push button at the top to flush and it didnt flush !! i can hear running water, it just doesnt fill the unit. if i fill manually, it stays there, so there is no leaks anywhere, can anyone advise me ? thanx
Rob, January 2009
As you say there are no leaks It sounds like you have an inlet flow problem slow filling seems like its ages.
Usually its the valve washer stuck drastically reducing inlet flow on a low pressure system [tank fed]. Watch the flow rate. although I have had a feed tube [silent filler ] pipe reduced in bore through hard water build up of lime doing the same thing taking ages to fill. Give it a shot can't think of any other reason except too low pressure which means opening stopvalve further.

Nobby, January 2009