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the dual push button flush jumped out and down the loo?

the dual push button flush on my Roca Laura jumped out and the round bit has disappeared down the loo. Where can I get a new part and has it got a catalogue number?
T Williams, January 2009
Same problem happened to me.

Will Humphries, June 2009
I had the same problem with 2 of the buttons on Roca toilets - could this be a fault? Should I have any luck finding a supplier of the buttons only (the full cistern part is expensive!) I will let you know.

CA, January 2009
It's a chance but open the manhole have a look and you might be luck and find it. You could try a local plumbers they may be able to order one take digi pic of whats left to give them idea what part they see is missing.

bob, January 2009