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Glowworm Micron (40FF?). Reset mode?

My boiler has an intermittent problem. Occasionally it fails to light and just has the reset light on. Power cycling fixes it for a day or two. Is this a fault or an adjustment problem?
Andrew Kilb, December 2005
i have a problem with my boiler it starts up but the cuts off after 10 secs then re boots back up then goes off again and so on...chanced the board and the pumb..a plumber is saying that i need a new boiler..

jane kellam, January 2009
I had the same problem. Theres a little water gauge really near by my 40FF. The water gauge was a quarter between 0 and 1. The light wont ignite if there isnt enough water in the boiler. There are two taps on either end of a flexy tube connected to the boiler. Opened them up one at a time allowing water to flow in and the gauge moved slowly to 2. I then closed both the taps back up then reset the light and its worked since.

Chris, July 2007
I had this problem as do many other people. Don't call an engineer. You can DIY.

The fault was due to a loose connection- it worked if i gave it a bang!!!

I found out on the internet that the printed circuit boards are poor quality-solder drying out.In fact replacements are not the same part number.

I took it apart as per manual.( Knock off mains-just unscew front cover, swing out, pop out the plastic hinge poppers, disconnect wires carefully, pull/pop out board. )

I then inspected both sides of the board- there were 2 suspect solder joints which i made right with a soldering iron then reassebled.

Problem fixed for free in 30mins- a new board would have been £100, an engineer would have been $$$$.

simon davies, November 2006