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replacement husqvana pedal?

I have a Husqvana 6690 for 30 years and even had it serviced recently, but when I pressed the foot pedal the other day smoke came out of the back of the machine. The foot pedal is the original Husqvana and Type 720 No 8137 and I have searched for one, or similar, but nothing seems to have the same fitting and number of holes and notches in the connecting end. Can you help?
Liz Boxall, March 2009
Hi Ken, Unbeknown to me, my husband had previously taken the pedal to bits and couldn't get it back together again. He didn't find a suppressor in it, but said he thought it was the pedal, as when he depressed the pedal smoke came out from where it was attached to the machine. The pedal had been dodgy for quite a while, needing a shake sometimes before it sent power to the machine. However, the machine lights up when switched on now, so hoping it is intact, I think if I can find another pedal, it will be worth a try, even if it doesn't work. So as you kindly offered me a list of sites may I take you up on your offer. Thanks! Liz

Liz Boxall, March 2009
Hello Liz,
Are you sure the smoke came out of the machine and not the control,? undo the side of the machine if you can if you have an internal motor and you will probably see what looks like a small fuse, it is a suppressor and you can take it out and discard it, if the smoke came from the control undo the control and take out the suppressor, if you email me below I can attach a list of sites for manuals and spares.

drivewithken@blueyonder.co.uk, March 2009