How to fix the "ECO" button flashing with my Dishlex Global 300?
I stupidly put dishwashing liquid (the one for washing dishes by hand) into the Dishlex Global 300. We ran out of the dishwashing powder and I thought I was clever by putting in some normal dishwashing liquid. Midway through the wash foam started to spill out everywhere which we tried to mop. After a little while all the lights went out, only the ECO button kept flashing. We got alarmed and turned the machine off at the wall power point, took out all the dishes. Now, everytime I turn the power on at the wall power point, regardless whether the dishwasher door is open or close, the ECO button will keep flashing and no other lights are on, no operation is possible. Could you please help as to what I could do? Thanks a lot!!!!
Nina, March 2009