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Why won't my SKY remote control work?

The batteries in my SKY remote control went flat at it lost its setup. How can I reprogramme the remote control?
Spence, December 2003
new sky remote and the red light stopped working. Probably messed up the reprogramming for to suit the tv. We taught it was a fault with the remote. But I searched the internet and found this posting here that says to remove the batteries and press select button for 60 seconds. Brilliant. It works. Amazing. I reckon that there is some power in the remote even when the batteries are removed as it can store the setting for up to 10min while you change to new batteries when the old ones are gone. Therefore, maybe when you press the select button with the batteries out it somehow resets the remote so you can start over and reprogramme it again. Great anyway.

Sue, April 2015
Just did this 60 second trick - don't know how but it worked . Thank you . The red light didn't work but hey presto .

Dph, February 2015
60 seconds trick worked perfect, thanks

Kebabby, February 2015
Hi just did as suggested , removed cover and wiped down all surfaces with clean cloth . Select button now works without having to push down hard.

Andy, January 2015
my select button had to be pushed hard for a few seconds, phoned sky the upgraded my box reset remote controll and finaly reset and wiped my box STILL DIDNT WORK they wanted to charge me for an engineer i said no. And was annoyed so i then

took the batteries out of the remote undo the screw put the batteries back in, seperate the remote casing ( i used a knife longways along the join and teased open. keep the circuit board in the underside of the remote lift of the top and the numbers wipe all the grease /Flux of off the circuit board and the back of the buttons i used a tea towel ( wife shouted at me lol ) lay the buttons back on it will line up with the contour of the circuit board and carefuly put the top of the remote on ensuring not trap any buttons on pinch the edges closed put the screw back in press the sky button and bobs ya uncle saved me money

WOODY, December 2014
Select button almost broke my thumb holding it in to work..tried this fab tip...amazing.it worked! Don't know how but soo good

Lesley, September 2014
Amazing!! Sky remote stopped working so took batteries out held down select button for 60 seconds, working again now :)

Adrian Tawn, September 2014
sick! worked 1st time

kelly pannell, August 2014
Just tried this fix - take out a battery and hold down the Select button for 60 seconds. Cured the remote like a dream. Phew! I've spent weeks pressing the buttons as hard as I can for six times longer than necessary and still not having any luck so I'm absolutely thrilled to have my remote back, up and running. Thank you so much.

Topper, May 2014
Thank you so much for sharing whoever discovered this. Genius.

Blinkybill123*, April 2014
Hold the select button for 60 seconds with no batteries in.. why it makes no sense. I no longer care why it worked so I have a new name for my new year honours list. Thanks.

liam, December 2013
Mysky remote stopped working, removed batteries and held select button for 60 seconds then put batteries back and AWESOME , it worked. Now kids are quiet lol

Tony, December 2013
Yet another satisfied "customer" - this REALLY works !!

Chris, November 2013
Holy Cow This actually really does work thank you to the genius who discovered this.. Now back to watching The Kardashians ha One Love

Fairy, July 2013
Brilliant. The select button was the one that wasn't working so didn't hold out much hope. Batteries out, hold select for 60 seconds. Batteries back in and it really works select button mended. Absolutely amazing

Kazza, June 2013
cheers to andy! i didn't notice but so was mine! hahaha

Lyndon Tok, February 2013
worked as easy as 1 2 3.........thank you who ever u r

Kezza, January 2013
Remote packed up last night while fast forwarding the Royle Family. Tried this 60 second fix this morning, Bingo fixed.

Jack Warner, December 2012
xmas eve no sky control .... tried the battries out for 60 secs ... put battries in ... boom one less problem for xmas :) thanks very much

Sean MacC, December 2012
Crazy, but this also solved the problem on my Cablevision UR2-CBL-CV04 remote. I can't believe it. Thx!! Took batteies out, held down SEL button for 60 seconds, batteries back in and that was it.

mor, December 2012
OMG this little tip is insane. Tried loads of batteries nothing. Tried the batteries out and hold down select for 60 seconds and then pressed select and i buttons and she fired up. Admittedly it took me a few goes but maybe cos loads of power left with adding the new batteries.
This is a top tip and whoever shared this should be knighted. I give sky way too much money as it is to spend extra on controllers.

Greg Alder, December 2012
wow this has just worked for me also

Deborah Mullan, December 2012
I have been without my remote for 4 days,
No red light when pressing a button, swopped batteries bla bla bla then hit it a few times!!! I have just googled my problem and found this advice!!! Tried it and it worked! Honest! Removed batteries, held select down for 60 secs and its fixed. Thanks for the help:)

Nikki c, December 2012
Wow - amazing advice. Thank you!

Seascape, December 2012
i tried the 60 sec reset didnt work, eventually realised the back up button was stuck in , released it all good now

Andy B, November 2012
No idea how it works but it does. Take batteries out, press select on remote for 60seconds, replace batteries and it works!

KB, November 2012
Just tried the 60 secs idea and CHAMPION this works a treat

Steve Hall, November 2012
WOW WOW WOW!!!I tried everything last night to get my control to work.I spoke with Sky for at least half an hour,put on hold then cut off,as per.Tried to reprogramme it my self with the four digit code,still nothing.Tried no end of differant batteries still nothing.But this morning after adding a new remoted to my shopping list,I thought i would go on the computer and just check how long remote controls last for.I can't tell you how happy I am that I stumbled upon your website and found that my taking out the batteries and pressing the select button for 60 seconds,replacing the batteries,the remote works!!!Thank you SO much.My day just got brighter all thanks to your web site.YEY!!!

Karen Hector, November 2012
Wow, dead remote to working again - thanks for the tips. :-)

Cookie, October 2012
Just tried this amazing trick why don't sky tell you about this!!! Thanks to whoever found this out and let everyone know

Jon c, October 2012
cant beleive i am the only person this didnt work for! not fair! was working fine until just battery message popped up an the remote went dead, put new batteries in, nothing, not even a flash on the remote, tried the 60 sec trick here aswel and nope, nothing. Any other ways? Its like it has no power

Joe, October 2012
Tried different batteries, nothing. Took batteries out, pressed select for 60 seconds, put batteries in, remote worked - brilliant!

Claire, September 2012
It works, remote dead, not even a red light when pressing buttons about to buy a new one when saw this......60 secs later its working!!!

alex, August 2012
What is this sorcery???? 60 sec trick worked :D thanks! Genius :p

Nelson, August 2012
Can't believe this worked! Just saved me £25!! Just had to redo the tv sync codes so the volume would work! Thank you thank you thank you

Angie, July 2012
Wow!!! I just went online to find a new remote, now my remote is alive again!!! Thanks you saved me buying a new one.

Tilly, July 2012
Thank you so much for the 60 second select fix. My remote was dead and it now works :)

Blodeuwedd, July 2012
Well glad i found this answer to fix my remote control for my sky hd.Thought some one was having a laugh!!To hold the select button down for 60 sec.without the batteries in???Batteries went back in.Amazed it worked straight away.Thankyou so much who knew how to do this.Kids are off my back now!!!!

aceman phil, June 2012
removing batteries and pressing select worked ..thanks a ton 12 jun 2012

anonymous, June 2012
Fabulous! And for Mac users (who can't download the pdf demonstration), the 'select' button everyone is referring to is the one on the remote, not the one on the Sky digibox. (I say that because, when my remote died on me, I spent half the evening on my belly in front of the digibox everytime I wanted to turn over!) Massive thanks to the superstar who originally posted!!

gillywillybythesea, May 2012
Well I have tried it and it still doesnt work ...just my luck anybody got any more tips think I may have left batteries out too long overnight

Donna, May 2012
This works but had to reprogram to work with tv. Thanks.

Althebanker, May 2012
i did same remote start working

m yunus, April 2012
OMG!! Thank you so much the 60 second fix is amazing, my remote had been totally dead all morning. I changed the batteries with no success. I was in the middle of ordering a new one and found this tread. I had planned for a few days without the remote until I saw this, thank you again.

Phill M, April 2012
This is the best one I've found & it actually works. Take batteries out hold select for 60 seconds and bobs your uncle AMAZING

Janet, April 2012
Just did this, worked first time, thanks, saved me £20!!

James, April 2012
Wow just tried this as not even the red light would come on and it works didnt even have to reset control after

Di, April 2012
Amazing. It really does work. Batteries out then hold select for one minute. Thanks for whoever posted this in the first place. You've just saved me £20!

KC, April 2012
It worked !!! So glad I looked it up on Google and many thanks to a person who posted answer (: x

Maria, March 2012
Ok, after trying this and leaping about with joy the only thing that wont work is the volume buttons. Does anyone have a fix for this?

Darren, March 2012
I just tried this - omg it works.... saves my husband getting his boxers in a twist!!! I too was just about to order a new remote - thank you - big star.

Kitten, March 2012
hold for 60 seconds and insert batterries... worked like a dream ..tanx a mill

paul mc namara cork city, February 2012
My remote is the RCSKYHD and this worked for me too - batteries out, hold select for 60 secs, batteries back in.....red light came back on, HOWEVER didn't work straight away, so after you've done the above do a re-set which was.....press TV button, then hold select button and i button together until the LED light flashes twice, then press 1 button and then select button....worked just like new!

Corinne, February 2012
just wanted to confirm that as you probably are i was sceptical, but i wanted to try everything before forking out for a new remote, took the batteries out (in a different room to the sky box) held down select for 60 seconds, replaced the batteries, tried the remote, and to my amazement it acually works again now. nice try sky!!

Gary, February 2012
Whoever discovered this is an absolute star!!!!!! We had already forked out 26 euro for a new remote just a few months ago and we were tearing our hair out at the thoughts of doing it again.. What a simple but amazing solution!!!

Martha-May, February 2012
OMG! I cannot believe that worked! I'd NEVER have thought of doing that. Huge thanks for that top tip!

joanne, February 2012
My Sky remote control died, the red sensor light wouldnt even work, I tried new batteries to no avail. But this really worked. Take out the batteries hold down the select button for 60 seconds, replace the batteries and thats it.

Minstrel uk, February 2012
I honestly thought takin the batterys out for 60 seconds without the batterys wouldnt work, i couldnt afford a new sky remote till pay day in 3 weeks time!!!
been changing the channel by hand for the last 2 days.
Its brilliant, nice try sky for tryin to con more money!!

Thanks.... x

little star, January 2012
Wow..!! this really does work...my sky control just gave up yesterday..found this advice..tried it and....it has risen from the grave....this is the sort of tip that I like....thanks very much.

Belly, January 2012
Ordered a new remote from amazon, tried this and it worked immediately so cancelled the order!! Thanks so much :0)

gillv1, January 2012
Batteries hadn't gone dead in our Sky HD Plus remote. It just decided to stop functioning. Not even the red LED light was on. Skimmed the sky trouble shooter FAQ's and obviously they didn't come up with the '60 second battery removal & press select'. Their suggestion was to purchase another. Our remote works perfectly again thanks to your great tip. I didn't even need to reset the remote to the TV. Many thanks :O)

Tanya, January 2012
This was like magic...saved my life tonight for serious viewing :0). Thanks to all!

Lynne, January 2012
My remote suddenly died, nothing at all worked, i found this link on google...Take the batteries out, hold select for 60 seconds, put the batteries back in and BOOM back to life! Amazed is not the word, thank you all.

Tyrone H, January 2012
Just to confirm , Holding down the select button for 60 seconds with the batteries really does work first time . Many thanks to all

Artyboy, January 2012
What can I say- It worked !!! Many thanks- Xmas was not the time for the Sky remote to stop working !
You are now my new best friend !

Rusty, December 2011
DIDNT WORK for me can anyone suggest anything else? could it be because i have an old big back telly??

no sky remote, December 2011
This solution is still going strong 16th dec 2011 what a legacy the original poster has left - cheers

Steve E, December 2011
WOW!!! I acutally said that out loud when my darned remote leapt back in to life after holding down the select button for 60 secs with no batteries - put them back and hey presto!!!
Really didn't think it would work - MAGIC!!!

Bren, December 2011
God, the 60 secs rule rocks!!!!!!! was panicking already as my fave show is on and the remote is not working! i love u whoever discovered this! :)))))

Abby, November 2011
How amazing is that....thank god for this website!!!

Thanks people

Chez, November 2011
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank goodness I cam across this post. I to was about to order a new remote, but read the post and hey presto the remote is like new!

Peanuts, October 2011
Ha! Been for a couple of pints and done the man thing (whacks, expletives and head scratching) that didn't work (honest tried for at least five minutes) but this does!!
Press and hold the select button for 60 seconds with no batteries in, then replace batteries and off you go again!

AutoRecruiter, September 2011
I seriously thought this was a joke, but it worked!!

Gavin, September 2011
cant believe it ithought it was a wind up but its not hold down sellect for 60 seconds with no batteries inthe remote then replace them after 60 seconds hey presto good as new thanks for the help

paddy, September 2011
fantastic .... was in middle of ordering a new one wen i saw this link!!! saved my pennies lol

michelle, September 2011
Wow .... yes it worked, but scoffed at the very idea when I read this thread. Well done whoever sussed this one out.

Jammy 1959, August 2011
worked like magic.....i have been kneeling down by the sky box changing channels all week then came across this thread today......thanks to the genius that discovered this....

jan, August 2011
Fantastic...just about to go to Ebay to buy a new remote then tried this 60 second cure and YES IT WORKS.

Lance, July 2011
Awesome!! 60 seconds pressing select with the batteries out and we're up and running again! Well done to whoever came up with this. Sky should have a link to this thread!

Scotty, July 2011
OMG I actually didn't believe that the 60 second trick worked but it does, another happy household here......

Sharon, July 2011
I actually cannot believe that works !!

amazing !! I was smashing my remote on the floor, good job I didnt really break it doing that !

Lee, July 2011
Thank you so much for the 60second button hold, it worked for me too

Lorna, July 2011
Brilliant, just about to buy a new remote when I found this thread. Worked fine... gobsmacked!!

Phil, July 2011
And oh yes, it’s just worked for me too!!
How fantastic............
Thanks a bunch all......

Lesley _B, July 2011
I don't know what just happened, but the 60 second answer worked a treat!!! The remote is now as good as new!!!

TonyK, July 2011
just about to pop out to buy a new remote when i thought i would google the problem and oh my god i cannot believe this worked. The super rugby semi is on the red button and i wouldn'y be able to have watched it!!

shayrhys, July 2011
worked for me fantastic thanks very much too lazy to get of my sofa lol

john, June 2011
ha this sounded too good to be true....I am a physicist and I cannot figure out for the life of me how this works but it does!!absolutely amazing!!

M. Broderick, June 2011
"60 seconds and select worked....hooray .......Thanks peeps......

Karlos lindos......, June 2011
Ditto to 60 secs- brilliant

John Stones, June 2011
Worked for me too. Thanks!!

Cief, June 2011
AMAZING!! it works i was going crazy with my 5 year old and having to keep being at the sky box which was goin slow even pushin buttons on there but this fixed it.

stressed mum, May 2011
brilliant, thank you so much. Funny how when the phone calls start happening with regards to renewing a warrenty with Sky their things start breaking down "all of a sudden" I am convinced they send something down the line to get us to buy new parts! Thank you so much for this thread - looks like lots of people are finding the same problem around the same time - April/May 2011. Maybe Sky are short of a few quid this month!! Thanks again everyone

Debbie, May 2011
Like so many on here remote just died without warning but 60 second trick worked a treat and it is now alive and well again. Thank You every one!

Smithy, May 2011
My sky remote just stopped wotking, just like that
I looked up a solution on goolge and frankly thought what a load of bull when I read this thread
I tried it and it worked
not sure if ust taking the batteries out for some time might work or if pressing select actually does anything however THANK YOU - thought I was going to have to get up and change it manually every time HAHA

Pucker, absolute genius, worked a charm :o)

Bankschild, May 2011
Did the 60 second action and like magic it worked again!

Colin, May 2011
Confucius, he say, Remote Will work using the 60 second method, and needless to say, It did. A big thank you to all concerned. I could not do another day kneeling down and pushing buttons on the sky box, Ooooh what a lazy lot we are these days.

Pat, May 2011
...meant 60 seconds, not minutes...

Minirach, May 2011
Uhhhh, am i missing something here...tried the 60 minute trick and it hasn't worked. Have you all got magic fingers or something??

Minirach, May 2011
the 60 second method saved my bacon BUT the volume still isn't working...

xtina, May 2011
Amazing!....Another happy chappy.....Worked perfectly 1st time.

Russ, May 2011
I just do not understand how Sky customer services do not know this trick .... tried it as a last resort before losing 30 quid .. amazingly it worked !! ... think that 30 will go on a few beers tonight !!

garlem, April 2011
Absolutely amazing!!!! wife rings me and tells me remote is not working, i get home and try the 60 second method....... tadaaaaaaa!!! awesome, thanks.

Darren, April 2011
just did this and it works thanks

mark, April 2011
Wonderful!!!!!! Like everyone else on here, i was just about to order a new one....take batteries out, press and hold select for 60 secs..put batteries back in and the red light flashed and now it is as good as new!!!!
many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

Phil, April 2011
The 60 second trick worked perfectly, who comes up with these things.....Genius!!

Steve, April 2011
60 second trick worked first time for me too, great stuff!

Richard, April 2011
Fantastic!! It works! Another happy bunny! :)

Karen, April 2011
IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! Batteries out and holding select for 60 seconds resurrected my Sky+ HD remote. Thanks very much, I was just about to eBay a new one.

Dexter Morgan, April 2011
Thanks for the tip on the 60 sec fixed it worked for me

Finbarr, March 2011
took advice on 60 seconds with select button my god it works happy happy !!!!!!!!!!!!

june barclay, March 2011
Wow thanks for that, hubby saved, he was getting really fed up with it not working!

daveyshadow, March 2011
Like many here, my Sky remote, after having been working perfectly one minute, suddenly died the next. Tried just about everything over a course of 3 days. Nothing worked. My hubby was literally just about to pop out to buy a new one. Just before he did, I decided to do a quick search online for any info relating to this, and came across this site. I read about the 60 second tip - taking out the batteries, pressing and holding the Select button for 60 seconds, replace batteries, and my God, it worked!! Absolutely amazing! I soo missed my Sky remote. So thank you soooo much to the genius who came up with this. You have saved my sanity. Ahh, all is right with the world once again :D

A Very Happy Bunny :D, March 2011
perfect worked for me 2 nice

dan, March 2011
mine stopped working tonight. tried putting in new batteries and nothing followed advice of holding down the select button for 60 sec's and yes you guessed it.... it is now working. Thank you for the advice

denise, March 2011
Done what you said, worked fine well done and a big thank you

Bob, March 2011
Incredible! It works! Wow! Thanks so much!

Charlotte, March 2011
60 seconds on the select button & I have stopped tearing out what's left of my hair!! Many thanks.

dayveebee, March 2011
remove batteries hold select for 60 secs and fit new batteries, should now work but need programed to your tv again

briggsie, March 2011
Brilliant! This solution just saved me some cash :)
Thank you very much whoever discovered this!

Flissy, March 2011
Remove Batteries Press Select etc.etc. etc.Brill, Fabulous, Thanks a Mill, Worked a Treat.

Mauricegee, March 2011
Yep just worked for me by removing the batteries and holding down the select button for 1 minute. AMAZING. Well done to the person who found this out, you're a star

Steve, March 2011
my sky remote suddenly died, changed batteries but still nothing. came on here and found the take batteries out and hold select button for 60 seconds trick. dont know what it does but it worked and saved me 20 quid for a new one. tha.nks

welsh mark, March 2011
wayhay...one happy mama.......have spent 3 days rubbing batteries....replacing batteries...switching on then off the sky box ....speaking nicely to the television/sky box...not so nice to the television/sky box...hiding the remote...holding my hands up..warming the remote...switching the heating on...urgg...hugging the television/skybox....this morning spent £20 on new control...and still it continued with its teasing....on/off error message....and low and behold followed these instructions...with an extra pair of hands and wayhay.....anyone want to buy a skyplus remote???????

happymama, March 2011
another satisfied person - thought i was going to have to phone sky as under one year old, but you saved me the bother

Kirafluffy, March 2011
Thank you so much i have tried allsorts over the past couple of days and nothing worked. I thought i would have a quick look on internet before i went out to buy a new one, and i tried this and it worked so thanks again.

DawnyK, March 2011
Guess what worked for me. I tried all the reset information on the sky web site, none of which worked.

Allen, March 2011
The removing batteries, holding select for a minute, then replacing batteries works a charm - thanks everyone!

Kathy, March 2011
did what you said after reading all the answers and wow it worked thank you so much cant beleive it would but brillant thanks again

carla holman, March 2011
Worked for me too!! Can't believe it's so easy. Was just about to go out and buy another. Thanks so much.

Sal, March 2011
It does work ours stopped working this morning was about to take apart when googled problem and got to here. Just did as told took batteries out held down select button for 1 minute and now as good as new. Thanks all saved me some dosh.

Petertheb, March 2011
Thanks a lot - just fixed mine after finding this and about to order another remote

Kathryn Cooper, March 2011
Thanks very much the tips and 2/3 minute thing definitely works. My sons world came to an end this afternoon when he rang me and said dad the Sky and the No4 button aren't working on the sky+ remote.
But thanks to Jo & Doughnut advise all is well.

Den, March 2011
Another success here - thanks to whoever found this solution!

Davidk, March 2011
My sky remote stopped working yesterday. So followed advice given below, took out batteries, held down select for about 3 minutes whilst box was unplugged. Put batteries back in, plugged box back in and WOW the remote is working again!! Thank you to whoever discovered this solution! Brillant!

Jo, March 2011
Just been on the phone (20 min.. not bad) after having Sky+ headache for less than 24hrs, no joy no advice they are sending me new remote (free of charge... should think so).

I tried combine answers.

1. Batteries out,
2. Held select button for 2-3 minutes,
3. Unplug from wall

.... you guessed it remote now working. At least I will have a backup remote when and if it arrives.

Thanks to all...

Duke, March 2011
Thank you!!
Batteries out, hold select for a minute and voila!
Worked like a charm. Saved me time & stress :-)

Carly, March 2011
the remote packed up friday night would not turn t v off.just tried the trick and worked.some anorack thought that up!!!!!!!thanks a lot.

stuart c buckley n wales, March 2011
Thanks for adding this, how on earth did you find it. saved me grief with the husband and a trip down the shops

becks26, March 2011
Our sky tells my husband to breathe - so yes it was a 999 issue followed the above and he is breathing again...my god what he would have done if I was not in!

sam, February 2011
OMG...fabulous...came across this solution...took the batteries out...etc..etc.
IT WORKED...but how?????????????

Edwards, February 2011
WOW! Ledge! It works!!! Thank you!

Sky plus lover, February 2011
Amazing!!! Can't believe this actually worked but it did! Honestly! My boyfriend now thinks I'm a witch hahaha

Cm, February 2011
worked a treat Thanks Dijon Your a star saved me £20 notes :)

Wayne, February 2011
Just had the same problem and the damn solution worked for me too! The only problem was that the volume control on the sky remote wouldn't work, I reset the code for the make of my TV and it worked fine. Thanks for this valuable information.

Dave L., February 2011
that was mint i did not think this would work holding down select with the batteries out for 1 minute but it did the trick thanks.

micky1walton, February 2011
Hi everyone, I tried the batteries out, hold select, batteries back in to fix my sky remote and its worked but now the volume buttons won't work! Does anyone have any advice please?

thanks in advance.

Doughnut, February 2011
This afternoon was fast forwarding through something on my planner and it wouldnt stop. Turned off at wall and my control was dead. Checked batteries and still wasnt working.

Tried the hold tv/red button/select etc and all not working. Held select for about a minute/2 minutes with the batteries out and then put them back in and they now work!!!

DEFINITELY WORKS!!! Brilliant!!!

Dijon, February 2011
I just tried this and it worked first time! Was so frustrated trying batteries after batteries and nothing was happening. Fantastic info, will tell all my friends how to do it. Saved me £20!

HUNTERN, February 2011
i read the forum but my remote still didn't work after the 1 minute trick and the light on my control flashed 3 times instead of 2 like some other people. i took the batteries out and pressed the select button for 2 minutes and put new batteries in and hey presto works a treat. thanks for your help.

SN06GAV, February 2011
Press select for a minute after taking batteries out. It works.

I had even bought a new remote which could not make my SkyBox respond. I was therefore sceptical about this working. But it worked on my old remote control and I am taking the new one back.

Thank you

Wallington, February 2011
I looked at site, saw all the people saying that this works. Still did not believe it.... So thought why not give it a go... It worked!!! Amazing!!

Mark, February 2011
OMG I am amazed taking out the battery & pressing select does work, I'e wasted £20 on a new remote but better than a sky callout charge, thanks so much

Debs, February 2011
Fantastic tip, didn't believe it would work but just tried it and fixed my remote. Many thanks

Ryan M, February 2011
WOW!!!!!! Just tried the take the batteries out and hold the select button for 60 seconds technique , , , , ,
and it blumin works ,,, thankyou you've saved me a shoppin trip not to mention the kids having to keep getting up and change the channel for us . Thanks you GUYS.

Doug Deep, February 2011
I thought my sky controller was completely dead, no light comingon or anything and have just tried holding down the select button without the batteries thinking 'oh this won't work' and it did!! I'm amazed, thanks very much!!

Cathy, February 2011
Whoever recommended holding down the "BackUp" button without the batteries in a an absolute genius? Sky box crashed tonight, then the remote wouldnt work and with the help of this site all working fine now?? Thanks again

Paul Williamson, February 2011
Just tried ye olde hold down the select button with the batteries out and be jazus it worked! Many thanks to the chap who suggested it. Now I can stay sat on me couch and enjoy me vodka and tonic! Nice one!!

jon, January 2011
Yep - believe it not - take out the batteries - hold down select for a minute - reinsert the batteries and away you go! Brilliant. Thank you.

Andy T, January 2011
Wow it really works! Hubby didn't belive me, brilliant!! Isn't it great when something really works!

Rebecca, January 2011
Superb - just cancelled my amazon order for a new remote. The reset procedure via the select button method really does work!!

richy rich, January 2011
I tried the 60 sec solution. It didn't cure the problem but the remote operated all non-Sky controls which it never done before!. I then tried the 999 solution but that stopped all signals even Volume. I have now tried to re-set the remote as explained but this doesn't work - presumably because the remote doesn't work properly!!! This is a real Catch 22.

Colin T, January 2011
this did not work for me, fair enough i did the seelct button thing for about two minutes, put batteries back in which was followed by three red flashes. is there anything else i need to be doing?

Aaron, January 2011
Brilliant - it worked! I didnt know if it was my sky box or the remote which wouldnt work. I have been selecting chennels by using the buttons on the box which meant that I couldnt add my pin number if I wanted to watch a film rated 15+. Been like this for about 6 months - I am very grateful to you.

Nichola, January 2011
I would never have thought this would work but it really does.
Thank you so much.
To think, we called SKY and they just said "Buy a new one, about £25 from Tesco".
Thanks again.

Iain, January 2011
tried this tonight, 22.01.11, was set for buying new one tomorrow! It really worked, money saved!

paul, January 2011
I tried this, not believing for one second that it would work. IT DID! I am so grateful to whoever first posted this solution, I'm totally amazed that the remote is now working properly after being completely dead.

Try it - batteries out, hold down 'Select' button for 60 seconds, batteries back in, remote in perfect working order. I'm flabbergasted! lol

Sue, January 2011
it really does work ,thank you

beverley rhodes, January 2011
This works - no idea how or why but it does!

1. Take batteries out
2. Hold Select for 60 seconds
3. Put batteries back in

Cheers all for help

littlealex, January 2011
Awesome - I to was sceptical!! But it does work!! Thank you!!

Reedy!, January 2011
Thankyou so much it really works

Andrea McDonald, January 2011

the caterer, January 2011
Oh thankyou thankyou thankyou....the sad case that I am SKY is my life in the evenings :-) My remote suddenly died and I started having cold sweats. Replaced batteries - did not work however.....FOUND THIS WEBSITE and this 60 sec tip and hey presto I don't have to check into the Priory for SKY withdrawl symptoms. Give me the number of the genius who worked out this fix. Bl**dy amazing sir, spliffing and you are a jolly good egg all round.

Scotty, January 2011
Oh thankyou thankyou thankyou....the sad case that I am SKY is my life in the evenings :-) My remote suddenly died and I started having cold sweats. Replaced batteries - did not work however.....FOUND THIS WEBSITE and this 60 sec tip and hey presto I don't have to check into the Priory for SKY withdrawl symptoms. Give me the number of the genius who worked out this fix. Bl**dy amazing sir, spliffing and you are a jolly good egg all round.

Scotty, January 2011
Oh thankyou thankyou thankyou....the sad case that I am SKY is my life in the evenings :-) My remote suddenly died and I started having cold sweats. Replaced batteries - did not work however.....FOUND THIS WEBSITE and this 60 sec tip and hey presto I don't have to check into the Priory for SKY withdrawl symptoms. Give me the number of the genius who worked out this fix. Bl**dy amazing sir, spliffing and you are a jolly good egg all round.

Scotty, January 2011
just worked for me as well, took it out of the bin to try it out after paying 20 quid for new one today great thanks.

fred, January 2011
fab the 60 seconds worked cant believe it thanks

louise, January 2011
OMG how good is that. Thanks a bunch everyone!!!

Samantha Jane, January 2011
Yep - just worked for me too; many thanks!

Caroline, January 2011
it worked perfectly 4 me as well ur d best bro keep up the gud work thnks

ssd, January 2011
I thought this was a wind up to be honest but my face lit up when it actually worked. Took the batteries out, pressed select for 60 seconds, put the batteries back in and it worked. Many thanks to whoever posted this solution first

Tom, January 2011
I opened up the remote as the power on/off button had stopped working. cleaned up the gunk inside, closed it all and then ... nothing ! no red led on key press or anything. searched the web and came across the 60 second solution (remove batts, hold Select for 60 secs, replace batts) - and it really does work. goodo.

a sky user, January 2011
Good Grief, worked for me too. Saved me buying a new remote. Genius. Batteries out and hold down select for a minute.....bizarre but works.

Neville, January 2011
Brilliant, 60 second thing worked for me. Thanks, that have saved me some money

L, January 2011
WOW !!!! like other people, i read this and thought .. yeah, right, thats not gonna work ! tried it and yep, it worked !!! just reserved a replacement remote from Argos ... glad I found this before I spent £25 on it !!! Thank you !!!

Jax, January 2011
Worked first time thanks!

Jenfef, January 2011
60 seconds worked Thanks

Phyllis, January 2011
Thank you! It worked!!! Completely dead before but now working perfectly.

Andrea, January 2011
It is a miracle - works for me ! Taking the batteries out of the controller and then holding down the select button for 60 seconds, and then re-inserting the batteries means its all working fine again ! I'm sure SKY are trying to increase their revenue by putting little glitches like this in ... lol... Thanks to the originator of this solution .... saved me £20 odd quid :-)

Wayne Humphreys, January 2011
Tried this trick and doesn't work for me?! However when I put batteries back in the red light flashes 3 times and not twice as other people have mentioned?? Any ideas??

Jaime, January 2011
GENIUS, worked on my normal sky remote too!

Richard, January 2011
great tip, site added to favorites

andy roberts, January 2011
Hi Thanks very much for the advice, the 60 second thing worked I was just about to go and get a new one again thank you

Derek, January 2011
Hi, didn't work for my new remote, just bought from Homebase (perhaps the remote is faulty). The sky box just doesn't react at all

Alex, January 2011
Yeap, brilliant worked for me as well. Cheers!

Nigel00, January 2011
Just tried the 60 seconds trick... Worked like a dream... Cheers

Noz, January 2011
Fantastic, just did the 1 min select and YES it works, brilliant, thank you, happy new year.

Happy happy chappy, January 2011

My Sky HD remote just died last night for no reason, changed the batteries 3 times and still nothing. Was searching online this morning for the cheapest place to buy a new one and found this site.....Amazing, holding the Select button for a minute without batteries resets remote and is now working!!! Fab, saved me 20quid at Argos
Thanks So much

Gillian, January 2011
Just on my way out to buy a new hand set and came across this site, tried it and it works...... brilliant.

And to make things even better I phoned Sky last night and told them the hand set wasn't working, they wanted to charge me £25.00 so I threatened to cancel my contract, they then refunded me £30.00 off my next bill...... result or what !

Steve, January 2011
Whoo, Thought this was a complete load but tried it anyway. Worked. God you are good!
I love people who know stuff. I never know stuff.
Cheers and Happy New Year! x

Michelle, January 2011
Well done

Tarm, January 2011
My remote suddenly stopped working and I found this site; tried the 60 seconds of holding select with the batteries out, and hey presto, a miracle!! I thought what a load of rubbish till I tried it - thank goodness for sites like this, and thank you very much!

Gilly G, January 2011
UNBELIEVABLE! Batts out, select for 1 minute - I thought it was a wind up!! Cheers

Stu 999, December 2010
thanks beeen trying for 30min not work
60 sec doing what it said works ace.. just had to punch in tv number again thats all

asif, December 2010
Chris Watson May 2010...you are a genius....I kept getting the message to change the batteries...but ignored them..then the remote went dead. I changed the batteries but it wouldn't work. Checked this website and tried all methods which didn't work until i read and tried yours. Seemed strange to take batteries out...but i did...and it worked!!! you are a sky lovers hero...Happy christmas!!

Leanne, December 2010
I used to work for sky technical and we were never told about the one minute trick. Just tried it when my HD remote died and its now working fine. Thanks to whoever supplied the answer ! Off to virgin i think...

Andrew, December 2010
one word......... legendary !

Yeti, December 2010
Who ever sorted this tip out thankyou very much your a star and a genius.

Robert Stewart, December 2010
have 2 b honest i read all the comments and I laughed, I thought how the hell will that work when theres no batteries in it so I tried it just to prove you all wrong....well it worked lol so now i guess im laughing at myself lol

kit, December 2010
Just advised my husband to do the 1 minute tip - worked. Thanx, 'cos he was blaming me for breaking it!

chris, December 2010
you genius, christmas day is saved!!

Sarah, December 2010
Worked first time, many thanks great website for advice..,..

paddy69, December 2010
omg yr genius

milly, December 2010
Take the batteries out and hold select for a minute!

Fanatastic, back in business, thank you very much.

Terry, December 2010
There's always one!! Pressing select for 1 min didn't work for me. Sky customer services have not been able to help. Need to buy a new one.

Mich, December 2010
This is amazing after 2 months of no remote and very scepticle thinking i looked like a moron taking the batteries out and holding a button for no good reason.............. but OMG blow me it worked hahahaha cant believe it!!!! :) Even did a little celebratory dance!!

Caroline, December 2010
amazing.... remote was working fine, then fast forwarded ads then it stopped, no red light on remote-nothing, tried changing batteries, turning box of etc etc all usual, just about to go out and buy a new remote when i saw this... 60 secs later its working again... yay!! so much easier when feeding the baby now :) thanyou soooooooooooooo much!!

kate, December 2010
Too late! I bought a new Sky+ remote. Guess what! That did'nt work so looked here. Yeap! the tip works. I will be taking my new one back!!! Great tip

Tom, December 2010
Remove batteries, Hold the Select button for 60 seconds. Replace batteries and that should be it!
Many thanks for all your info.

C.B., December 2010
Bingo! I did the same thing and it works. Just take out the batteries (you dont have to wait for 20 minutes), press select for 1 minute and immediately replace the batteries. Then your remote is back to action!

Teekay, December 2010
I didn't think this would work, but thought I'd try it... It worked, Love it! Thanks

Mands, December 2010
Way hey......!! Thanks I am so relieved, my teenagers kept arguing about turning it over manually, now I have peace in my home again lol. Thanks :D

Kate Smith, December 2010
Batteries out etc. worked eventually, but I had to hold select for about 2 mins. Thanks

Stilton Cheesewright, December 2010
thank you very much xxxx

cheryl, December 2010
wwwwwwwwwwow!!!! thanks guys, tip worked like magic, my son's happily jumping around the room like a kangaroo!

fishdish, December 2010
wow thankyou, have spent ages trying to work out what was wrong, checked online and thought id give it a go and 60 seconds later depressed select put batts in and like magic its working.. thanks for info, great

joyce crisell, December 2010
wow batteries out select for 1 min batteries back in BOSH ! ace tip !

danny, December 2010
Been messing for hours - this worked first time!!!! Thanks xxxxx

teecee, December 2010
Thanks All... as sure as you've all said, batts out, select down for 60, batts in, buttons working. My concern would be I was using it an hour ago fine, switched off sky and tv..just turned it on, and hey presto no control.

Anyone know why it won't control my tv for more than a minute. Keep resetting it's program as per sky book, but keeps losing it. Back to ark ages, of two remotes for two devices. I have a samsung plasma.

JohnSk, December 2010
OMG how mad is that - it works !!!!! Thanks

Amazed, December 2010
Brilliant Thanks for the help

Ken, December 2010
Magic, magic, magic!! Taking out the battries and pressing select for 1 minute worked. Really didn't think it would work but it does!

Carol, December 2010
Yep it worked for us too. Praise the Lord for the internet & amazing people who pass on great stuff like this :-)

Jax, December 2010
omg!! it really does work that! Thanks everyone!

jon, December 2010
Batteries out
Hold select for 60 secs
Batteries back in

Worked for me first time!


CS, December 2010
Superb it really works well done!

Howard Mitchell, December 2010
Wow that really does work, amazing, thankyou!

Sue x, December 2010
thank you for the 1 minute tip. worked great

Mr Potato Head, December 2010
thank you just done the 1 minute select button and it worked for me

angie x, December 2010
Wow! taking out the batteries and holding down select for one minute, then reinserting batteries really does work! Thanks

Annie, December 2010
Just like everyone else my remote stopped working, took batteries out held the select button down for a min put batteries back in and it works.... Thank you x

chris, December 2010
tried all the other solutions and this was my last go before buying a new one .worked first time!
thanks for saving me a few euros on new remote

PEEWACK, December 2010
FANTASTIC!!! It works........... We were just pricing up getting a new one too!! Theres some clever people out there!!! Thanks

Lynne Smith, December 2010
Amazing was about to order a new remote myself and this worked - who would know that removing the batteries and holding the select button down for a minute would work! thank you very much

Hols, November 2010
did what it said on the box took out batts pressed the BUTTON for a minute and whalaa it works thanx guys

Davie H, November 2010
I thought, 1 quick Google and see what i get,
I followed the simple instructions, (Remove the batteries and hold down the 'SELECT' button for 1min) and boom... its working :-) thanks

Jaffa, November 2010
Just tried the 1 min select with batteries out and it works!!! i cant believe it. we were about to buy a new remote! thank you so much :)

R B, November 2010
WOW take batteries out and press select for a minute put batteries back in, dont buy a remote yet try it.
just bought new remote on ebay,hmm,

bought a remote first goddammit, November 2010
Aargh, why won't the taking the battery out, 60 seconds holding select work for me. Also followed instruction book, press tv, hold select and red, tv code bla bla AND nbeen on phone three times to sky unplugging, checking connections, holding select batteries in batteries out.

I can get remote to control tv eg volume and channels etc but not sky (also triess the 999 and 998) reset codes. At my whits end!

Whitehouse, November 2010
fantastic, tried the above remedy...works great

thatch, November 2010
Just went down to Argos fro a new HD remote control , none in stock so reserved one, came home and saw the fix , working perfectly . Whover you are thanks, you just saved me €28

John Fitz, November 2010
As victor meldrew said i dont believe it. Well youd better believe it cos it realy does work

andy b, November 2010
Bit sceptical but gave it a gave and voila! It really worked!

MamaW, November 2010
Absolutely great! Worked perfectly!!!!
Thank you very much!!!

Paul, November 2010
Brilliant....it worked for me.

AR, November 2010
brilliant. do u know the next lottery numbers

m w smith, November 2010
I love you!! took batteries out - pressed select for 1min, batteries back in....BOOM!

You don't believe my day - Woke up with terrible Man Flu, so was having a duvet day - "ahh I'll catch up on some Spooks....what remote?!!! Can't even use the box to press green button.

You people have saved my day!

Leigh Booth, November 2010
top tip m8 thanks it worked 1st time many thanks

trukman, November 2010
i was stressing like anything and dident want to buy a new remote as the batterys went dead and dident have the code but followed the simple plan and it works i cant belive it dude u r a legend

blaine, November 2010
absolutely 100% genuine it works we dont know how but it does you have to do it and you will see for yourself this is no hoax it works!!!!!!!!! no idea how but it does, so save yourself buying new controller ;-)) thank you so much to whom ever discovered this excellent fi x:-))

mat, November 2010
OMG, I can't believe it. I read the answers, and thought what the hell. I took the batteries out, pressed select for 1 minute, replaced the batteries, and god damn it , it only worked.

leo, November 2010
thanks so much, i took batteries out and held select for 1 minute then put them back in and it works fine. thanks very much :)

Azz, November 2010
Life savers!

Trev, November 2010
I was skeptical but it did work many thanks for the tip followed instructions didn't need to reset after putting batteries in just worked straight away thanks so much

lily, November 2010
same method worked when i thought it was my sky plus box not my remote. legend

tommy, November 2010
My new sky+ remote broke down today all of a sudden and the red light on it wouldnt come on. I thought of trying the internet before calling sky and came across this after all other suggestions failed. i laughed at this at first!! but looking at other comments decided to give it a try...and...can u imagine it...worked a charm - 2 red beeps and bang its back on... thanks to all.

sridhar, November 2010
Your a star, thought no way, no red light at all, pressed select for one minute without batteries and yes, it really works....Thank you very much !

Chris lemons, November 2010
cris is a legend , still baffled how it worked though

paul, November 2010
The "take batteries out press select for a minute" is definitely the way to go!!!

ttfn, November 2010
Just encountered the same problem with my HD remote. I thought I would check out the internet before contacting Sky (is this the only company you can't avoid using a premium number?).
This tip worked first time and therefore saved a lot of hassle, thank-you.

Mr.Hill, November 2010
A fairly brand new remote suddenly stopped working, no red light, new batteries didn't work, did a quick search, saw this, thought no way is pressing select for 1min with the batteries out going to work, to my surprise (along with everyone else!) it did! Many thanks to the original poster!! On a quick search down I think he was called Chris Watson. Bravo!

C, November 2010
Read it, Tried it, Fixed it - Top Tip

Rick, November 2010
So chuffed!!! I thought this was a hoax but it sorted it right out! nightmare when it broke!!!!

Julie uk, November 2010
Worked for me the first time,but will not work again

trish, November 2010
By God it works! Many thanks to the minute man!

Jon, November 2010
Great tip, I did the same when my remote was faulty, I got hold of an older version of the sky+ remote from a different set top box and it works fine- that saved a few quid

Fraz, November 2010
scepticle as ever and thankful and amazed, does what it says on the tin!!!! brilliant

nigey147, November 2010
My oh my!!! Another satisfied customer. It just works, what a fantastic tip.

Peter Jones, November 2010
Worked for us too. Don't know how, but who cares!

Nickie, November 2010
That fantastic tip worked for me too! Thanks whoever started this!!

Sarah, November 2010
Friggin amazing - I really didn't think this would work but it did, thank u!!! X
Batterys out
Press select for 1 min
New batteries in
Woopppee :)

Lil Lea, November 2010
i tried this a couple of times and nothing happened, but i held select button for a bit longer than a minute and i have to say it did work.

Joe Mc, November 2010
Well I never. worked for me too.

Baz, November 2010
That did it for me as well brilliant

brian, November 2010
ive taken the batteries out and held select button for 1 min inserted batteries back and it worked for me as well BIG thanks ;)

paul wagner tait, November 2010
Legends, must be some kind of hard reset. Certainly does the trick though, thanks!!!

Chris, October 2010
Its crazy but it works- m.a.g.i.c !
Soooo chuffed :P

leesa, October 2010
Brilliant.......it did the trick

Angry Al, October 2010
This solution is amazing! I had no faith but having had no remote red light all night I decided to give it a go.
No idea how it works but it does - remove the batteries, press and hold the select button on the remote for 1 minute, reinstall the batteries and hey presto - genius!

Julie, October 2010
brilliant actually works thxs saves me buyin a new one ;-)

chelsey, October 2010
Brilliant guys, thanks. Thought I was going mad...

Bomber1, October 2010
Yeh it worked for me aswell and saved me money buying new one... thank you. very useful information.

Chulbul Pandey, October 2010
yay ! like everyone says - take out batteries, hold down middle select button for one minute - put batteries back in and whoop whoop - it works again !!! : )

Bex, October 2010
Brilliant! Most useful information on the net about this problem!

shobo, October 2010
...er taking the batteries out and holding down select actually worked. Scary...just looking at the volume of posts on this issue - it's amazing how much we rely on such a simple thing and how pi55ed off we get when it breaks!!

The unbeliever!, October 2010
I tried
-taking out batteries
-holding SELECT for one minute
-putting batteries back in

Hey presto......it works!
Thanks so much!!!!!

G x, October 2010
Brilliant advice. Had two screaming children in the room complaining they couldn't watch their bedtime programmes! Thankfully taking the batteries out and holding select for a minute really worked; and I now have two happy children!

Coz, October 2010
I did as others had suggested and took the batteries out pressed select then put them back in and it works perfectly. Thanks for your help cheers! :-)

Oct 2010

Steve, October 2010
it works works

rob coleman, October 2010
with no warning that batteries going low , control stopped working , put in new batteries and it didn'twork , even the red light at end of control didn't light up , so done wot ppl had said on here , take out batteries and hold select , and hey presto !!! it worked , strange that it had no battery's in tho

tracie, October 2010
I seriously was going to buy a new control to but this was brillant. I just took the batterys out the control held select on the control with no batterys for 1 min and it worked again another goal for the net. love it. and thanks

Mr Nicoll, October 2010
Doubted this would work, but batteries out, hold select for 1 min and incredibly, now fine again. Thanks so much to Chris (i think!) who posted this original solution

Phil, October 2010
Thank you, thank you ,thank you, soooo much, followed the instructions removed batteries, pressed select for a min and then replaced batteries, remote is now functioning again!

Velvet, October 2010
OMG I was literally about to buy another rempote after being told to on digital spy then I tried this and it worked. Thanks guys you've just saved me a trip out and about £30... the milky bars are on me!

Ashley, October 2010
Amazing worked for me

Steve, October 2010
It really does work! Just on the verge of going out to buy a new remote and checked here first. Batteries out, hold select for 60 seconds, batteries back in - it works! Did have to reset remote for TV (in the instruction manual) but that's easy. WHY DON'T SKY TELL YOU THIS WHEN YOU RING THE HELPLINE???

Jackie, October 2010
Worked for me thanku very much batteries out hold select for 1 min batteries bck in hey presto remote working yessss

Jigot, October 2010
I tried the above, got the red light back on the controls but they didnt change the channel, held down the tv guide for a couple of seconds and then hey presto, magic !!

Dave, October 2010
Worked for me aswell!!!
30 seconds holding select after taking batterys out, batterys back in all worked fine!!

Jon, October 2010
You know what I read all the previous posts as I have the same problem. I thought "it won't work". Well it did! Thank you so much. Someone should tell sky! I have had the same problem before and they had to send a new remote. Who would have thought all I had to do was take the batteries out and hold select for 60 seconds!

Andrew Beech 03/10/10, October 2010
I love the internet. Would never have thought such a simple thing could get it working. Batteries out, press select 1min batteries in. And it works. Weird but great! Thank you.

CSN, October 2010
have tried the solution as stated but you may also may have to reset you tv to te remote afterwards

matt rae, October 2010
So glad I found this forum as it has saved my daughter and family from having to buy another sky+ remote, as theirs just stopped working 2 nights ago. They followed the instructions on this forum, removed batteries and held select button for 60secs and hey presto...remote is fully functional again. A big thank you from us all.

dee haywood, September 2010
We had this problem on 24/09/10. SKY+ Remote suddenly died - no red light, no nothing.

Before ringing SKY (hassle) thought I'd check these forums - seems it's been a problem for many.

Removing batteries - Holding 'Select' down for 1 minute - Replacing batteries. Worked for me!!
God bless the internet!

Tom, September 2010
Advice from Sky - Take out 1 of the batteries, then press every button in turn one after the other then replace battery. Worked for me!!

ISOBEL MCKINNON, September 2010
Batteries out, hold the select for 30 secs, batteries in.
Like most others "it works"
I'm not telling the girlfriend this yet!
I'm now due some Hot sex for fixing it! Yeehah! ;-)

Bob, September 2010
Didn't work for me :(

No sky, September 2010
Amazing, whoever found this trick is a god! can't belive it..........

greg, September 2010
This is amazing!!! I'm off work sick and wouldve been lost without my remote...thankyou: )

Ems, September 2010
Thanku... x

Janine, September 2010
batteries out, hold select for 60 seconds, batteries back in, hey presto, works

nigel, September 2010
thank you ...batteries out...select for maybe 30 secs back in and BINGO.......working fine

Christy, September 2010
tried the press select button with the batteries - it worked - man y,many thanks

MAEVE GEARY, September 2010
OMG!!! 2 weeks without a remote, tried this and it just worked, cant believe! well done whoever put this on forum

!!!, September 2010
Fabulous - 2 minutes on google and saved myself £20!

Tracy, September 2010
remote just stopprd working looking for to buy new one £30.00 thought put in sky remote to see if i could get cheaper found your site took batteries out held select button put batteries back in red light and working thank you just saved me £30.00

ian, September 2010
thanx for who ever invited this trick. muwaah xxx

sabrina, September 2010
Ok, this just happened to me and I really doubted it but it DOES work. Incredible really. Please do try it if you have this problem.

Andy16, September 2010
cant believe this worked they were sellingthem in asda for£20 happydays saved me!!!!!!

theresa short, September 2010
Only downside was apologising to the kids after accusing them of breaking it!

TK, September 2010
Hey Guys, This totally works..... I was scanning through TV Guide and the remote just stopped working. I found this thread, removed the batteries, held select button (Which I'm guessing discharges all the internal PCB of any residual power) pop the batteries back in and the remote flashes twice to tell you it's reset. Brilliant, Cheers......

Pedur, September 2010
YEs, worked for me too

Andrew, September 2010
I just read all these, taking the batteries out and holding Select for 60 seconds posts. I thought it was a wind up but to my amazement it does work! Who discovered that and how? I owe them a drink

John, September 2010
Thank you and yes the 60 seconds wonder works, and the back up from sky is on the way :D

Sly, September 2010
yet another firm beliver in the batteries out - 60 seconds of select = working remote, now just got to find my tv code
Thanks who ever started this

trimaxman, September 2010
it realy works thanks

rcky, September 2010
I just took the batteries out and held select for a min then put batteries back in and it works???????

drew, September 2010
omg my sky remote broke after about a week of having it sky sent a new 1 but just come accross this site and to my amazement the taking the batteries out of it and holding select for 60 seconds works whoever worked that out is a gem i now have 2 fully operational sky hd remotes thank you

bex, September 2010
I have just had the same problem & YES it works I cannot believe it.Thank you.

Lainie, September 2010
Hey it worked for me too...

Andy, September 2010
Red light on remote didnt work , tried the batteries out ,pressed the select button for 60 secs , batteries back in and BINGO , just saved myself a few bob ............. Cheers

Graham, September 2010
what a load of rubbish, it doesn't work at all

LAURA, September 2010
yay it worked thankyou

caroline, September 2010
im so pleased this worked for me too !!

Debra Ayres, September 2010
another believer follower of the remove batteries+hold select for 1min+put batteries and try again brigade.

hop in my step.smile on my face.

3 Sep 2010

Thasleem, September 2010
oh my god.... it works... batteries out, held down select for 60 secs, batteries back in... bob's your uncle!!! It worked!!!

MartB, September 2010
just tried the one minute ,no battery trick ,brilliant ,it now works :)))))

mick, September 2010
i thought that i had to go and buy a new remote but after reading the sugestions on this site, holding down the select button without batteries, actually worked. i was panicking when it stopped working. i replaced thae batteries and everything but that didnt work. so thankx guys for putting this information on here as it saved me a big fone bill aswell.

Rach, September 2010
I've Just had my sky HD installed less than 30 mins ago. remote has stopped working, i'm on the phone to sky while i browse and just found this site. tried the select button trick and it's only gone and worked! i'm still on hold on the phone waiting to tell their technical support guy. Brilliant, thank you.

flatpancake, August 2010
omg i can not belive that worked, iv been getting so anoyed about it not working, and i was reading all these posts thinking, how the hell can that work when thers no batteries in it, so how can pressing that button work, but it did, saved me having a very long boring chat with sky, thank you so much who ever found that out

chris :), August 2010
Thanks a lot to whoever found the 1 minute select button solution. those guys in sky are useless and a waste of time.

mickyarams, August 2010
My absolute thanks also to whoever found out that removing the batteries and pressing and holding the select button for a minute did the trick. My less than 12 months old replacement remote decided to give up working so I did the above and it now works and controls the TV functions (volume etc) which it didn't do before. Sky told me a couple of months ago when I upgraded to a 24 inch Samsung LCD (for the World cup - sad) that they didn't have the TV codes to enable me to work my TV functions from the sky remote, so I haven't got a clue how it now works it. I thought I'd try the same trick on the old Sky plus remote that's been in a drawer presumed dead for a year, and I now have two fully functional sky remotes. How these two now control my TV i do not know but many thanks.

Carl Bould, August 2010
my sky HD remote was dead no lights nothing!!

i just done it now and was gonna buy a new one??? i been 3 days without it?

to who ever found the solution



justin phillips, August 2010
Thanks so much. Just tried the batteries out and pressed select. Hey Presto working Sky Remote. Amazing!

Michelle, August 2010
Just to add to the above that incredibly, the batteries out, hold select for a minute and put batteries back in actually works!!

Keith, August 2010
just tried the trick,taking the batteries out & pressing the 'select' button..hey presto!..saved a lot of explaining to the hubby why his SKY was knacked..thanx..

nellyt35, August 2010
my sky hd remote stopped functioning suddenly though all the lights come on. Tried the method of taking batteries out and holding select or a minute or so and what do you know - it actually works!!! Thanx a lot to all you guys for posting this simple solution!

KKhan, August 2010
Just did the taking out the batteries trick and holding down the select button, and what do you know, it only went and worked. Thanks everyone, just saved me £16.

andrew, August 2010
We had already ordered the new remote control (£18) from Sky after the Engineer had gone through all the possibilities of what might be wrong. I then saw this answer one hour later and by crikey it worked!!! We cancelled the order with Sky and informed them that maybe their Engineers should be made aware of this simple solution. The upside to all this is that they are unable to stop the new remote being delivered, but have cancelled our payment! Many thanks to whoever found this out in the first place.

Chris, August 2010
Really didnt think by taking out the batteries & holding select for a minute would work, shocked! I was about to buy a new one, cheers!

Herbie, August 2010
holding the select button down for 20 mins without the batteries in actually does work much easier than phoning sky

karen, August 2010
it works!!! excellent!

faye, August 2010
My Sky HD remote stopped working, no red light, nothing. I tried taking out the batteries and held down the select button for 1 minute, then put the batteries back in and now it works. If that doesn't work try calling Sky to send you a new one. However it does take a few days to receive it so its either that or buy a new one

Andrew, August 2010
my remote just died..tried the hold down delect for a minute and it worked agian..unreal man..cheers

jonathan, August 2010
Been trying for 5 hours with different codes etc, and nothing. Rang sky, went through different methods, nothing!!!! Just found this website-took Batteries out...Remote now working, cant believe what im seeing..Genius.

Keith Robinson, August 2010
Just tried the suggestion many of you spoke about and eureka, it worked! Remote working perfectly again. Thanks a million, very impressed.

lizzie, August 2010
Did the batteries out for 60 seconds and it worked straight away!!! Only got the box and remote today so was a bit stuck as to what to do. Thanks so much!!!!!!1

Emma, August 2010
100% spot on. It worked. Does Sky know about this? 9.34am 9th August 2010. Thank you so much.

Cathy, August 2010
briliiant thanks a lot

gstring, August 2010
I tried the fix where you take the batteries out and hold select for a minute. Put the batteries back in and the remote working no problem!

Dave, August 2010
how bizarre!!! it works! thanks guys.

Sally, August 2010
brilliant! can't believe this worked!

Amanda, August 2010
You are a babe , how , anyone kno how to get the volume working ?

Brett, August 2010
My two-week old HD remote just died, new batteries didn't work, but this did! Batts out, hold select for a min, batts in. Blinks twice, and is now working again. Just off to eat my hat........

Jason, August 2010
i was gutted when the remote stopped working and there was no red light. I thought the remote had gone faulty, but I hadn't dropped it or knocked it, so i thought I would have a look on the web to see if there was any fixes and the batteries out and hold select for 1 min approx and re insert battery fix, worked for me a treat.
Thanx to the orignal poster of this info..

AlanBP1, August 2010
yes it works.....batteries out..press select for 1 min batteries in hey presto.....

kilt, July 2010
well well!!!...i laughed at this at first!!..but i had looked up all other answers....how could this work i thought???....then i thought - sod it, its worth a go.....can u imagine it...worked a charm - 2 red beeps and bang its back on...genius, thanks

shanks, July 2010
That is amazing!!! My baby girl threw up all over controller yesterday. Hubbie couldn't fix remote - I stropped as couldn't record holby and now all is good thanks to your amazing answer!!!

Jo Wilson, July 2010
Bl***dy hell!! it actually works! great answer and now my remote is alive again!

raj, July 2010
I was a bit sceptical but yes take batteries out, press select for 1 min and replace batteries. It really does work. Thank you very much.

maggiebear, July 2010
wow,didn't believe this would work....but OMG! it did! thank u :)

debbie, July 2010
My remote went totally dead- no red light, batteries charged- tried bashing the remote- as you do- no luck- stumbled across this- totally works!

Batteries out, held select for a minute (roughly!), batteries back in, red light flashed twice and remote now fully back to life!


Rachel, July 2010
Just wanted to add that it has amazingly also worked for me - taking out the batteries and holding select for 1 min. THANKS TO THE PERSON WHO ORIGINALLY POSTED THIS SOLUTION!

or71, July 2010
thank youu so much .. two horrible days of standing up to change the channel and not being able to record anything. Pressing the select button for 60 secs without the batteries and replacing them works!

Mike, July 2010
Amazing, batteries out, hold down select , batteries back in.
And if by magic it works !!
Thank you
Thank you

Derek Anthony, July 2010
this is brill honestly was giving up x take batts out hold select down for one minute and then voila !!! it works

lowey jul2010, July 2010
i been trying for ages now as my remore wasnt working and read all ur comments and thought to myself that will never work, but guess what? it worked, thanks guys as i dont have to get off my backside and change channels manually now lol
thank you x :)

laura, July 2010
Woo hoo!! While the other half was on the phone to Sky trying to sort out the remote problem, I found this website and fixed the remote. All's well that ends well!

Jacky, July 2010
Wonderful , did exactly what you said hold the slect button down , take out the batteries , put them back in , bingo , its worked , you have saved me from my nagging husband , its always me who breaks things !!!!!! thank u

samantha smith, July 2010
My remote went dead (no red light)and I pressed the select for 60 seconds with no batteries in then put batteries back and yes the remote worked again. Thanks

Michael, June 2010
Followed the advice about removing the batteries and holding down select and my remote now works fine. Thanks for the excellent tip.

Cicatrice, June 2010
OMG, I can't believe it. I read the answers, and thought what the hell. I took the batteries out, pressed select for 1 minute, replaced the batteries, and god damn it , it only worked. Thanks people. Very grateful reader.

Lorraine, June 2010
I read through all of your answers and guess what, I took the batteries out, pressed the enter button for 1 minute and replaced the batteries. The red light on the remote blinked twice and it works fine now. I had already phoned sky, who are sending me a new remote, never mind I can always use a spare. Thanks to you all.

Dr1v3r, June 2010
mine was totally dead, no red light, nothing, took batteries out and pressed select for one minute and bingo !

mike m, May 2010
I did as others had suggested and took the batteries out pressed select then put them back in and it works perfectly. Thanks so much for your help

Kym, May 2010
Take out the batteries and hold select for a minute then put batteries back in and it works.

Jack, May 2010
thats what happend to me i coul on move it when i press tv but when i press sky it doesnt work..

what can i do?????????

jerry, May 2010
I just done what chris said, took out the batteries and pressed select for a minute, worked the straight away. cheers Chris.

Karl, May 2010
try taking out batteries, then press select for a min. put batteries back in & mine worked straight away, easy but don't ask why that works. It was the only thing that worked for me.

chris watson, May 2010
my sky remote wont work at all and thered light wont even flash. can someone please help me. it seems like theres no life in the remotge and ive changed the batteries plus tried everything you have said so any1 with anymore ideas

darrelle, April 2010
my sky remote Broke so i got Another One But i dont now how to set i up Could some one please help mee Pleasee

Courtney, April 2010
for sky hd remote.take batteries out for 20 mins.put back in.hold select and i button together until red light flashes.it now works:)worked for me.march 2010

david, March 2010
had the same thing happen to me the hand control was dead nothing at all. i tryed all the other controls that i had in the house i just pointed all at the webcam and you can see if they are all working sending a beam except the sky one.i phoned the sky they are sending a new hand control took the batteries out and left them out for about 20mins put them back in give it a try and guess what it worked now i have to phone sky back and tell them its working . hope this might help someone else . liz

LIZ, February 2010
i have got a sky + control from nx gadgets to work my tv upstairs,all of a sudden it has decided not to work Bateries are new.can anyone help.

emma, January 2010
i got new sky remote it seems to work on tv but not sky box can you help

martin, January 2010
pressed select and red button and then 999 it worked.
No silly codes no phone calls just 999.

lisa73, December 2009
the thing is though, when i try that, my sky remote won't even flash. Please can someone help me because when i try the procedure submitted by a burrows, the red light wont even flash. The remote control went dead when i changed the batteries and now does absolutely nothing. PLEASE HELP!!!

TOMMM, December 2009
The flipping control hates all codes we have tryed and is driving us nuts!!!!!!!

Missy, November 2009
sound control not working on the remote control

wareing, November 2009
my sky remote wont work its new and no red flashes!! ive put dif batterys in but nothin at all!

a burrows, November 2009
You will have to reprogramme your remote control:
1 Turn your tv on
2 Find your TV manufacture number (mine is a panasonic tv and the number is 0051 - different makes of tv have different code numbers.)
3 Press tv button on remote
4 Hold down select and the red button on your sky remote until it flashes twice.
5 Press tv button again on your remote
6 key in your 4 digit tv number. Remote control red light will flash twice if code is correct.
7 Press the standby button on your sky remote. If TV switches off press select. The red light on the sky remote will flash twice. If your tv does not switch off press tv then the standby button.
8 To reset your sky remote to factory settings, press tv then hold down select and the red button together for a couple of seconds until the red light on the sky remote flashes twice, then press 981.

bananaman, August 2009
Thanks spangle and fahim it worked for me :o)

jem, August 2009
chuck it at the microwave, Worked for me.

Cristof, June 2009
Dont bother even ringing them their useless and the call will cost ya a fortune

Mels, June 2009
Try the pressing tv button, then red button and select at same time... it really does work and saves a lengthy call to sky...

Spangle, December 2008
I had the same problem - did what Satcure above recommended and put in the 999 code - the red light blinked twice - however, although the digibox magic eye lights up, it still does not operate the box - I've now bought a new remote which works fine but would still like to mend the old one if anyone has any further solution

Dave, October 2008
cos theres no batteries in it cor blimey

dave, July 2008
press tv
then hold select and red button together, till red light on remote blinks twice
press 999 on the remote.

It should work straightaway.


fahim, August 2006
Call sky and they will take you through the re-programming of your handset free of charge,


Mark Waters, September 2005
You need to reprogram the SKY remote control

look at

Wil Hadden, June 2004