You should be able to record analogue music directly on to your minidisc through the line in input.
For music from your pc:
Record your music onto pc or download from one of the many mp3 sites.
Convert your music into a format your minidisc player can read with the appropriate software for the machine. (eg. Sony SonicStage or OpenMg. If you do not have the software,you can download a version. Also you might want to use the software for THIS PURPOSE ONLY as Sony place too many restrictions on what you can, and can not do with your own music. In other words be sure to keep a copy of your music in its original format.)
Next, import the music into the software. ( eg. on SonicStage, select file, select import,then select the desired music files.)
Finally connect your minidisc player/recorder to your pc via the usb cable and transfer the music you want. (eg on SonicStage, select tracks from the Imported files, select the Transfer tab, then select the arrow pointing towards your minidisc file.)
Denis, February 2006